Wednesday, October 31, 2007
26 years diary
Anata wo Wasurenai
it means, "i won't forget you" in japanese.
am trying to learn a bit of japanese. i find it's language is very gentle and unique. my thoughts of learning japanese started when i was 8 years old. i remember every sat, when i was at my mum's shop, i will stay hours in kinokuniya, studying japanese.
i still know very very basic japanese. and several of my mum's japanese clients also taught me a bit of japanese. they are very nice people.
anyway, go watch 26 years diary. is a very very nice show. anyhow, today fyp was good. finalising my formulation soon. =) and i think today's batch is very good. yum yum. and i had fun in the lab.
oh, btw, call jona, jonana next time. :p
9:52 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
was having a chat with my bro awhile ago with regards to his idea of partnering in this new business with one of his long time friend. so i was relating to him about some issue that has happened to me recently. so the morale of the story is: never let greed overule your integrity. and i'm glad i am the person whom still has integrity. but it was fun catching up with him. and i glad we talked. =)
yesterday was a busy busy day. rushed here and there so many places. different people they have different priorities i realised. anyway, wasn't very happy yesterday because i realised there were loads of stupid people around. :x don't you find it ridiculous if your printing guy ask my courier man to pay my printing job. i find them stupid. and they wasted my time and phone call. irritating.
anyway, went to settle SOME things. then went down to speak to albert and david. felt much better after that. then at night, went to find the JJs around 10+pm. they never fail to make my day because they are as lame as ever. LOL. so anyway, we drank a bit in the park then they sent me home.
i find time passes very fast when i spend my nights with them. =)
10:54 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
woke up damn early in the morning went down to travelpac with darling to collect stocks. then we went over to concourse to get some logistics before making our way down to singtel recreational club (SRC). i reached there super super early. then we started doing some of the things and went lunch with darling. stage and sound came in around 3pm. guess what? i just find sound guy (chris) super familiar. don't know where i met him before. pri sch? definately not. hmmm... sec school? nope nope. kindergarden? don't know. but he finds me familiar too. wahahaha.
stage people are very nice. i love the uncles. thankies. jeremy and jo came. moved all the interior by myself with chengze, chris and chris' guys. chris can't believe i am strong. :p
models came. started rehearsal. bouncers came. briefing. jona and jinlong came. got them to help me out. thanks bros. you two rocks a lot. event started at 10pm. loads of crowd. near 700 people. from yss, met loo, jason soh, changjin, yiyong. know new people. erm, there's this bouncer who looks cute. wahahaha! :p
cleaning up was shagged, thank goodness have jona, jinlong, jason, changjin, jeremy and jeremy's friends to help out. love them loads. i think i really owe them a treat liao. LOL.
jona and jinlong helped me with the logistics back to my house. then we went to chong pang nasi lemak to meet changjin. ate breakfast there. cj and jl left first, jeremy and cz joined us. after breakfast, went to jona's house to talk cock, rot and sleep. wa so shiok. then took 171 to SRC. cleared stage. went youth park find huiling. then went to hong kong cafe for lunch/dinner. so shiok.
ok, goodnight. i go sleep le.
7:27 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Pushcart Challenge II

photos were taken yesterday during lunch break. that's yahui and me.
last week help vik draw out his tattoo using photoshop

original picture

today did not go back for lab session. liesbet is sick. so postpone to next week. things to buy next week: reduced sugar soy milk; shitake (pls remind me)
so anyway, went back to school in the afternoon for EEP; to prepare the sec sch kids for Pushcart Challenge II. wei cong, andrea, albert and i went back to help. so nice of us. =)
anyway, albert and i were the winners last year. we were in the same team. :p the schools were quite alright lah. nothing special about their idea. 11 nov 07, remember.
after EEP, andrea, albert and i went to 925 to makan chicken rice. albert driving still can smoke. he pro-ling lah.
coming saturday have loads of events coming up.
firstly, must sell my event: Hangout@Underground. come support ok? is in Singtel Building. tag me, msg me, msn me for details.
secondly, CIMS competition. good luck and all the best to albert and andrea's team. be sure to get champs again. RP will. :p
ok. end of updates.
9:22 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
1st post
was pretty bored with the old blog. so i thought i should changed a bit. i know the skin is the same. i don't have time to design new one yet. hehe. wait till i design it ok. :p
11:32 PM