Friday, November 30, 2007
Erasing sad memories
i was just wondering; how does one ever erase sad memories from their past. because of these sad memories, i can remember the happy ones - how you were there when things isn't right.
serene, grow up. i have grown up alot. i have matured loads from those episodes. i have learnt loads. but each time i fall back, you were there to pick me up. have you ever realised how much i hate you? for always being there.
it's hard. to forget someone and he just pops by every now and then. and stupid serene will say, it doesn't matter. there aren't any attachments.
i only have vague memory of you. but i have tons of your sms that accompanied me through hospital; through fireworks; through late nights. you always give people those "i can't be bothered" attitude. probably there's where i got mine too. you were always cold to people. but you aren't.
just like what you want; erasing sad memories. i wish i can erase mine too.
4:46 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
About you now
about you now
by sugarbabes
It was so easy that night
Should’ve been strong
Yeah I lied
Nobody gets me like you
I know everything changes
For the cities and faces
But I know how I feel
About you
Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now
All that it takes
One more chance
Don't let our last kiss
Be our last
Give me tonight and I’ll show you
I know everything changes
I don't care where it takes us
Cause I know how I feel
About you
Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
About you now
Not a day passed me by
Not a day passed me by
When I don’t think about you
And there’s no moving on
Cause I know you’re the one
And I can’t be without you
Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now
Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now
But I know how I feel
about you now
But I know how I feel
about you now
the song that he sent. even though it seemed liked he's back. and nothing seems changed. it seems weird. the virtual thing. just like back in year one. nevertheless, i can't deny he is someone who was there almost 24/7 during my most difficult time. probably this is why, he is different from others.
he doesn't talk much, ask much. listens silently. supports silently. and i hate to admit, he is powerful in words. words of wisdom that makes you ponder. words of encouragement that makes you on fighting spirit again. words of tender care to remind you that there's still someone out there. in this world, i'm still not yet alone. at least with my phone, i'm still not.
christmas is nearing soon. the festive of celebration. hate to say it. but last year december was the best month i ever had in my life. like what i always said, 31st dec was nothing but a sweet sweet dream.
how will christmas be like this year?
11:21 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Heeren roadshow
it have been a super busy day on fri and sat. was down for a roadshow at heeren and was "played" by some two idiots. so had to do alot of work. but i love the promoters. they are like my kids. not bad not bad.

giving out TravelPAC shopping bag
couples enjoying the bag
my students from dunman sec: aisha and ting zhen
morning set up
the whole team of promoters with zhicong, ray and me. left to right: wei len, jeryl, chantel, boon chew, wan jie, zhi cong, ray, me, khairi, denz, wan xuan, phyllis, janelle
they are a very lovable team to work with. and i simply love janelle. =) she's like my sister. we two are plain alike in some ways.
yst after roadshow, went to pasta mania for dinner with hui ling, tay, cz. matthew was in town, so he came to join us after his party. wa, so rare. always i go and find matthew, finally he come find me. anyway, after pasta mania, cz, matthew and i went to dxo. met sin yee and bobby. cz spoke to them for quite awhile. didn't like the techno downstairs so went up with matthew to the nest.
talked alot. was telling him about the things that had happened these few weeks. hahaha. you know, when you are lazy to think, you can just throw the problem to him and make him think for you. hahaha. anyway, chengze came up with shar. cz so irritating. keep pouring chivas to matthew's cup when he knows he doesn't drink. so in the end, i keep exchanging cups with matthew, helping him drink.
i think next time we shouldn't have debrief while drinking. it sucks totally. LOL. especially with alcohol, some people cannot control their emotions well and then everything will come out. thank goodness, as usual, our Mr peacemaker was there. LOL.
but at least, things were brought. understanding were there. we are even stronger now.
at least we don't eat McNuggets
4:18 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
ok. didn't start out as a nice day. i know it was going to be hectic with capital H. and as expected. made several calls to various suppliers and finally got what i wanted. didn't do much work in class and i know i was misunderstood by my classmates once again. i heard sarcastic remarks they made. blah blah blah. don't care, can't be bothered.
sad thing is i begin to find that i have lesser and lesser friends. am i too obsessed with work? i don't feel so. is keeping up with my passion something too astrocious for people to accept? or could be misunderstood easily? i don't get understanding from many. i don't care. but the people whom started out with me initially are leaving one by one. tired.
have i neglected too many things behind just to catch up with my passion? haven't been mixing much with my friends. alan(lim) said i pang sey him cause the other time i promised to go support their canoe POL-ITE. haven't seen bros for quite some time. missed them. alan complained that i am so caught up by work.
suddenly, i feel that as if i have isolated myself from the world. i don't speak unless it is relevant. seems like i am giving attitude again. :x
was quite upset with some classmates when they were not considerate. quite idiotic to parrot people right? especially i was already straining myself to listen to the other party. had lunch with chengze, desmond and jia hao. did voice out to them. jia hao say i am so bloody straightforward yet in a very unique way. someone educate me please.
i have a very rich song list now. full of rock n roll, jazz, indie rock, punk rock, bubblegum pop, ballads. ok. that's cause i have a huge ulti. hahahah. i kop songs from 3 musicians. so what do you think? lol. and so coincidentally, all of their names start with J. hmmm... interesting.
went down to office. cleared LOADS of stuff. and i really meant LOADS of stuff. met ivan and keith. hmmm... david is still on his joke. and today ulti. caused ivan came. zzz. anyway, they were very satisfied with my emcee. DEFINATELY! from serene de ok? :x
chicken rice again with david. i simply love the chicken rice there. and uncle is feeding us well. =) went to plush to find jeremy. saw brandon and damien. spoke a bit to brandon. then i went off first. did work at mac while waiting for cz. then back home.
wish me loads of luck.
2:42 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
phew. it has been so so long since the last time i drank this much. both cz and i, finished half a bottle of chivas at DXO, all thanks to the nice management there. but i had fun though, talking to shar, dinesh, ju and david. there are all very nice people. and i'm sure i love chilling out with good bands.
finally after 3 days or 4? he remembers me. only when after he drinks at balcony. zzz. well; i think it is goodbye soon. can sense it.
but then, i had fun with the girls tonight. janelle, wan jun, wen xuan. =) carl's junior was a nice dinner. and i really love janelle alot. very like me. =) hard to find people that can click with me. weeee.
3:47 AM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
i've discovered something. in life, you being sincere, doesn't mean the person will be sincere to you too. and as time goes by, the more people i meet, the more i feel how fake some people are. like what the chinese saying says: pretend to be a pig when you are a tiger.
i see and i know who true friends are... tay, huiling, tiffy, siying, my angels whom are always there to help out in events when i really can't find anyone. jona, jinlong, changjin, jason, brothers whom are supportive. jona, buddy whom is always there. cz, bro that always helps in everything he can. angie, marilyn, siying, gfs whom always brightens my life. jeremy, the crapper whom lightens our load of work.
was sleeping all the way at home, woke up around 6pm. met chengze, went down to orchard to meet rachele. talked awhile, went over to plush to find jeremy, kai and timcus. guess who i met there? jason! hahaha. fun fun! and guess again who i met there? ming yang. = = it has been so long since i last said hi to him ever since we broke off. chatted a little bit with him and he still hasn't change one bit. hmmm... i should say, it was a mutual break up and we are still friends. probably because i am someone whom is too independent. though he doesn't say much, but i know he minds alot about what i am doing because i have little time for him. nevertheless, hope he's doing well.
at least my current one just "can't be bothered" with what i am doing outside. LOL. ok lah. not can't be bothered lah. he doesn't ask me much so it's ok. but that doesn't mean i never tell him. haha. he's just someone whom likes to take backseat bah. i should say. LOL. well, he is of good encouragement though. =)
12:36 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
i have survived
woo. i enjoyed my camp throughly. so fun. even though i was there doing logistics. though i had minimum contact with the kids from dunman secondary, i still managed to bond with the group of guys that i have noticed from the start of the camp. what's so special about them? they have this unique star potential in them. i believe these boys can go very far and they are of very strong character. this includes the 2 girls that are with them.
on the 2nd day, matthew and i went for some sightseeing around the place while the kids were at plaza singapura doing some community work. we discovered a few abandoned places and we thought of bringing them for a trail at night. too bad, when we went back in the night to recee again, the authorities wasn't happy with it. lucky i took photos of the places. you can recognise some places that were scenes by mediacorp.

thank you team for making this happen: ray, zhi cong, jia hao, jeff, tiffy, chengze, serene tay, hui ling.
super special thanks to martin for saving me in the catering of food and chong pang nasi lemak for the super good nasi lemak.
and thanks matthew for the crash course cycling lesson on road. i think i will take cycling up as hobby le.
8:39 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
truly sinful
i think yesterday's indulgence is much more sinful then the day previous. after making an inspiring talk at James Cook University on social entrepreneurship and speaking to ms arenna from bridge learning whom i met before at worldview, the more i don't want to give up entrepreneurship.
fight on. =) after that, went down to DXO for ivan's event. turnout wasn't good at all. they have loads of tickets left. i was truly rotting there. spoke to kev about some plans. spoke to jeremy. ivan and cz drank alot. i managed to sell 22 tickets. erm, not a bad 1st time seller? LOL. ok... anyway, they have loads left. so at the very last min, i got jona, jinlong, jason and chang jin down to come slack and drink. omg. they almost make my tay and huiling drunk when i was away. got to know this guy from RP. so after all, i guess this whole party isn't bad? at least for me. hmmm... have noticed him when i was at the door selling tix. he looks very different from the other guys i know. and i hope he is different. anyway, it was nice knowing him. =)
jona was really crap. he drank so little, vomitted so much. cz ran around the riverside. tay and huiling went to get drinks for the two drunkards. changjin was wondering around. jinlong and jason were helping jona while jona was sound alseep on my lap. oh crap. it went numbed 2 hours later. how i wish i can just kick this buddy up.
3:31 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
sinful indulgence
yesterday was an up down day. my day started off badly and i wasn't very happy with some things. especially when they pushed the blame to me. and i hate people to doubt my ability. i know what i am capable of. and i know where is my standards.
and yet some people think i am so free, sitting at home to wait to pick up their call. and still say i am avoiding his phone calls when i was in my test. DO THEY KNOW WHAT ARE TESTS? i just think people whom do not how to use and know what is a courier man is STUPID.
anyway, went to school to do ut but no mood and i don't understand the questions. so i left submitting blank page. i have bad attitude. whatever.
anyway, i am have loads of sinful indulgence yesterday. LOL. thanks to the people whom shown concern. went to DXO to take a look at the models. happened to know some of them. Don't whether is modelling industry small or what. LOL.
anyhow, after DXO had long long talk with kevin and then went to cine to find jeremy and guys. happened that this guy i saw at singtel was there too! cool. his name is brandon. and what a pity. he is only 16 years old! unbelievable. but real cute.
anyway, if you have nothing better to do this evening, drop by at DXO for Club Youth Fest. =)
1:23 PM