Monday, December 31, 2007
first kiss
highly recommended drama series!
i am simply in love with dr yuki. LOL.
ok. fancy watching hospital dramas after discharging?
LOL. just something to spike this lonely heart i suppose?
anyway. it's a super nice drama series.
*love is 99% pain*
*and that 1% is amazing*
*if that is love*
*i've figured out; we are better off this way*
3:54 AM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
new year resolution
i shall set my new year resolution now:
1) Graduate from RP --> definately will
2) Get Dotbox rock and rollin' --> whole new team, full-time
3) Never ever touch alcohol ever again
4) Hope to meet someone nice --> 2007 wasn't too bad, out of avg 10 guys i met, only 1 is good, rest are JERKS.
5) Start saving for my Beetle.
6) Give me gor gor and daddy a good treat.
3:28 PM
original isn't always the best
wahahahha. from last night experience in hospital; i realised not everything that is original, it's good.
lol. fake goods can be better than original. blah.
should i say that he is a jerk or what?
nahz... i won't.
afterall, we know it very well ourselves.
nevertheless, thanks buddy loads loads for your concern. waiting for your meal. :p
thanks zhao for your concern too.
5:56 AM
Saturday, December 29, 2007
my 1st hospital experience
dun ask me what i did that landed myself up in hospital.
i can't remember anything.
i only know i was breathing so damn badly and was vomitting all over.
and i kept asking cz to call the ambulance.
and there i go, on my way to hospital in ambulance.
paramedics asked. nurse asked. doctor asked. police asked.
took my blood. injection.
left in observatory room.
don't know why, i remembered i cried loads.
and i kept telling them about my mum.
= =
yeah. i know. it's random.
got discharged next morning. around 9am.
came home on cab, vomit.
before eat porridge, vomit.
ate porridge, vomit.
stomach is so upside down.
3:25 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
By 刘若英
SEND 给你我的心
SEND 给你我的心
嘘 别哭
fate is a special ability.
it can create matches.
it can also create seperation.
so do you blame fate for meeting him?
or are you thankful for fate for meeting him?
3:37 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
gotham penthouse
went to gotham penthouse today for event.
not bad. i like the place. =p
i like the people.
once again, was rotting alot. huiling came and pei me for awhile. so nicey of her. muacks!
dearie pei me sms awhile then whole night, it was watching wrestling. hahah.
saw familiar faces. and saw one face that i super long never see. and whole night, he saw me, yet he refuse to come talk to me until the whole party ended. grrr!!! win le lorz. see i bored there still stand there see see.
1st time tried red bull. blah. yucks.
after party, waited for wilson. went for breakfast with wilson, xing sheng and cz. home sweet home with wilson.
yawns. going to bed le.
5:50 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
New Year soon...
i know christmas has just passed and here i am talking about new year.
ever since she left, my life went through a major change
from science to events
at some point of time, i had doubts with myself, with my choice
things will definately be different if she were around
but i don't regret what i have now
because this is what i chose...
don't know why. today's kfc meal with my brother seems as if i was having a meal with her.
i have always been the one whom hides behind my mask well
no one sees my tears. only my "haha"s...
only few can listen to my heart.
it was weird when gor gor asked.
he heard. he asked. he spoke.
very unlike of him.
but it's good.
i enjoyed my time with him
as usual, my super long of thank you list:
my one and only dearest gor gor - it has been a difficult year for the both of us. having lost a pillar in our life, i understand that we are biting our lips to keep the foundation strong. fate brought us together. i am glad, it is you whom is my brother and not anyone else. it was hard. being a mummy, being a daddy, being a mentor and being a brother to me. thank you for everything.
my daddy - i never understood what a father is for other than just giving us pocket money. because of your previously passive role, i have never took notice of you before. only when she left. thank you for playing a part in this family again. thank you for the endless trust in me.
my best partner ever, you shld know whom you are - probably the other only one whom can tahan all my weird habits, my weird attitude. my various rantings, my complaints. we shed tears together. we worked each other's ass out. kicked my ass when i became too dreamy. best drinking buddy. the only one whom will call you at 3am and ask, shui le mah? pei wo jiang hua. haha.
my darling - quiet in her own world. other person whom can tahan my weird habits and attitude. does things silently. even with her own problem, never fails to be there for me when i meet with a problem. because of i am too caught up by work, sometimes neglected her alone. even after her ranting, she will still smile and say darling, do your best in work. thanks for the understanding.
my durian head/nut head buddy - hahah. the one i can call him at 3am and force him to talk to me till dawn. though he might grumble? the one whom doesn't speaks much and likes to observe his surroundings. the one whom i can never guess what's up in his head because he just have loads of surprises under his sleeves. the one and only able to do loads of crazy stunts when he is drunk. the one whom can read my mind even i don't speak. the only one whom takes notice of my msn nick. and the only one whom dares to ruffle my hair! i think after that incident, it just strengthens our friendship even more.
my girlfriends - probably the ones i meet the least among all. but our hearts never changed. the only people whom will stay rooted for you no matter what you do.
tiffany and huiling - my angels. the ones whom will always be there when you need help. the ones whom can understand and still believe in us. when you thought you are left alone, -ding- the angels appear. the ones whom will stay with you till dawn to do stupid stuffs like painting or pasting stickers. thank you super loads for the various help.
alan - was pondering whether to put him up but have to admit he have taught me loads. and definately we had the best time ever. someone with loads of surprises. probably someone whom can be considered as perfect bf. the one whom you can share thoughts with, talk about life, talk about future. the one whom you can dream with. the one whom never doubted my abilities and always ask me to remember to relax, take a break when needed.
jinlong - haha. i should say we always had awkward meetings. i should say because of clariant, i got to know him all over again. the real him. not the serene's-sec 2-crush-dreamy-jl. LOL. and indeed i had fun with you and jona. the one you can find when buddy ignores you!!! -kidding-
wai keong - the silent knight. probably my guardian angel. never fails to urge me to take care of myself. helps me with work and school without saying anything. only one whom will argue with me at the slightest things just to see my angry face/expression. blah
my - probably the only bf whom will compromise so much. though it was short, it was memorable. am glad you have learnt alot. and have matured.
dearie - lol. the one and only weirdest relationship. one that few will ever comprehend. but even with the lack of meetups, he is one of the rare few whom can listen to my heart. he has the most wonderful ears? only with one message, he knows whether i am happy or sad. amazing i should say. one and only whom never questions about my work. one and only whom gives me loads of freedom to go for my passion. the one and only whom can puts a smile on my face all day long with only 1 sms.
kkz. i think it is end of my list. i know this year, my list is shorter. hahaha. it's 5am!!! well, loads of people came and left in my life. i can't possibly thank them all right? only the significant ones. =)
3:44 AM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
how did you spend your christmas?
was rotting at home like shit until chengze asked me out.
went over to his house then went to town to find tiffy!
weee. walked a bit. ate mcdonalds then walked over to gotham.
had fun there. met nicholas at citylink. also saw wei hong at esplanade.
too bad cz lost his card otherwise we would have gone down to dxo?
*presents come in different forms*
*thanks for being my best christmas gift*
*thanks for the answer*
*thanks for not ending it this way*
5:47 AM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
loads of photo today. after meeting huiling and yahui to do report on wednesday at nlb, went to meet godsisters for dinner and movie. dinner at cathay, Indulge. Erm, not too bad.

my eldest godsister

the sisters


and we went to watch:

went out on friday. met W36K for dinner. on my way, met alan at citylink mall. we had dinner at new york new york, citylink.

the gang

left to right: serene(yeo), huiling, yahui, andrea, serene(tay), eric, shawn, samuel loo and zhao

sam loo is paying attention to his chicken!

huiling and me

huiling, yahui, me

our presents

after dinner, we went to orchard to take a walk. andrea left early. had a long stroll from orchard mrt to dhoby gaut mrt. zhao was in the mood of drinking, so i pei him drink 1 can. wahahahaha. he looks funny with red cheeks. and with his already blur look, he looks more blur. =p
and i didn't know he stays so near me. hahaha.
i miss the gang!!!
4:11 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
letting go
haven't been realising...
it's once again, a new year ahead. one year has passed. remembering last year of this time. i think i was out partying again. i should say last year, i had the most fun of everything.
looking back, i miss everyone. i miss going clubbing with ai ke(ernest) and benji. ever since ai ke got enlisted into NS, never really kept in touch with him. as for benji, have briefly messaged. and since i missed ai ke's birthday party, i don't think i will be seeing them much in future.
i miss darling loads. haven't been meeting her often as she has family matters to attend to. i miss going out with her. when it was carefree. nothing to think of. having dinner at holland's v NYDC. that was my 1st and only time in holland v.
i miss my buddies, angie and marilyn. i think it is more than a year since i last saw angie. everyone is so busy. we didn't get to meet up. probably the last real meeting was in bugis.
i miss the days where dotbox was at dunlop st. where there is eddy, tay, hui ling, cz, leon and darling. ever since eddy left for NUS, haven't spoken to him much. and i also miss hongjun and jayrius. how we spent the nights together in dunlop. watching heroes overnight with hongjun. the chalet. st james powerhouse.
i miss the days how i was so crazy over prince. and i got so so excited when he asked me out on new year eve. i think cz and darling practically went crazy for me too for being crazy.
i miss the days where we worked hard for clubyouthfest 06. julia, leon, cz, darling and me. the smallest team but the most dynamic one. everyone were working towards a common goal. everyone knew what they want. it was when i saw how fun doing an event is.
i miss the days where we worked in orient explorer's d&d. the team has indeed grew alot. and it was the 1st time i saw prince. unfortunately, like a prince, he is only someone like a fairytale.
i miss the days where my mum was still in hospital. even though it is tiring shuttling between school, competition meetings and hospital, that was the period when i knew whom are your real friends. and it was also then we started speaking. if it wasn't for your daily sms that accompanies me on my trips to hospital, i think i would have given up long ago. if it wasn't for your tease, probably i wouldn't even have known you and you would just be another classmate. i don't know since when we started talking since you don't often come for classes. and i don't know why did you start sending all the sms everyday. and when i was so lost in direction, you came back and picked me up again. even though we broke up before the day of fireworks, it was funny how coincident the next few days were. it's like i meet you practically everywhere i went. school. sakae sushi. causeway point. fireworks. library. and to think that now it doesn't work this way. perhaps i was still living in my past. and still holding on to something that wasn't already there long ago. i miss you. and i'm letting go.
i miss the little surprises that pops up in my life now and then. and that what i always call a 1 time miracle. haha. probably the only thing that hasn't changed is chengze.
2007 have been a year that saw many changes in my life. not to live in regrets. but i forgot the word happiness. the world is never the same to me anymore. but i can't be trapped in my past.
*perhaps i am selfish*
*perhaps i was still in my past*
*and perhaps i thought past can be future as well*
*failing to see things changed, people changed*
*nevertheless thank you for the memories*
*and i was glad you were the one who was there for me*
*i am letting go of my past*
*i am parting with you here*
*and i hope you too will let go of your past*
*running away from reality; at the end, you will be the one hurting*
*not your past*
4:49 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Do you know?
Do You Know
By Enrique Iglesias
Do you know
Do you know
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed.
If birds flying south is a sign of changes
At least you can predict this every year.
Love, you never know the minute it ends suddenly
I can’t get it to speak
Maybe finding all the things it took to save us
I could fix the pain that bleeds inside of me
Look in your eyes to see something about me
I’m standing on the edge and I don’t know what else to give.
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed.
How can I love you
How can I love you
How can I love you
How can I love you . . . .
If you just don’t talk to me, babe.
I flow through my act
The question is she needed
And decide all the man I can ever be.
Looking at the last 3 years like I did,
I could never see us ending like this.
Seeing your face no more on my pillow
Is a scene that’s never happened to me.
But after this episode I don’t see, you could never tell the next thing life could be
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed.
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed.
Do you know,
Do you know,
Do you know,
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away.
Do you know what it feels like to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed.
Emotions... it may be bits and parcels of life. But there are some are meant to be moments of memories...
1:28 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
serene is sad
am i expecting too much from people? i don't think so. seriously i think i should put down whatever i have now and start anew.
i've always thought the past was good. but i guess not.
seriously, i am getting tired of arguing with him on business. why he always expects things to happen when things aren't happening. if you really want to do it, take initiative. not wait. don't find fault on people. we did our best. these whole thing became a i wait for you, you wait for me game? suan le. you don't realised your fingers are pointing at yourself.
all i asked for is a friendly chat with you. and all along you know that i don't like to talk about business in our friendship. yet you brought the topic in. i'm sorry. i have to side with what i know. seriously, i'm disappointed with you... buddy.
blah blah blah. and what's more. the other went on MIA yet again. very well. all shall vanish. and don't return. DON"T RETURN.
*nothing hurts more than losing them*
*to think they were the ones whom understand most*
*but to dismay... they weren't*
*it's all anew*
1:52 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
woke up at 5am, took 857 to serangoon; changed to cab. i can't believe it. wake up so early also will late. took cab to ritz carlton. i realized something. your destination speaks alot about you. i realized each time i say ritz carlton, taxi uncles usually very friendly. then will talk to you alot.
thank goodness reached ritz carlton in time. =) lao shi not there yet because she went wrong hotel!!! when she reached, helped her helped the girls do makeup, change their costumes.
performance was alright. not professional enough. anyway, it was good to see lao shi again. will post photos later. =p
walked lao shi to city hall mrt. sat there wait for huiling. almost dozed off. huiling came! walked back to marina square again. went to kbox. yahui joined us later. it was so fun! i realized i can sing afterall. a little. hehe. =p had super super loads of fun.
by elva and hu yan bing
my song of the day. sang this in kbox and they two were like, = =. WA. lol. anyway, long ago song. LOL.
after kboxing, went to library to finsh report. unfortunately, did not complete much. had to cab down to ritz carlton again. entered the door, the guy said: hi! mdm, welcome back.
night have nothing much. only got good company. ting zhen and matthew! blah. and chengze. got to know this cute korean chef by the name of ji hoon. nicey. kimchi kimchi!
*you're back*
*and gone once again*
*why do you always have to leave me hanging?*
12:35 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
by Timbaland
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down
But wait...
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say..
That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat (But that's nothing new)
Yeah yeah I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
And you say
Sorry, like the angel, heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
Woah ooooah
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize,
yeah yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, a yeah
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground...
don't wait till it's too late...
i have lost myself. i don't know what have i been doing. living day by day like a zombie. everyday seems never enough. yet i always wish tomorrow never comes. i waited and never get the answer i wanted. or a response.
you know. if you don't realised, my life isn't a bus stop. for you to stop by as and when you want. each time i say, serene, don't let him stay. yet you stayed. and left. sorry. my shelter is fragile. it's breaking down soon. i can't shelter you forever if you are only looking for a shelter.
i'll just be stupid enough to wait a little longer more. till new year.
as usual, fell asleep in class again. :x
dunnoe why i have been so tired recently.
probably never got enough sleep.
anyway, class was quite ok. practically smoked through the whole lesson. finally i come for clinical trial module. alan(lim) was saying so long never see me in class. happened that i grouped with him today cause keith and zhi cong pang sei! blah. went breakie with him. wow. found out big news. was very surprised as well. but well...
i am outdated. lol. anyway, his hair recently very stylo. LOL. blah blah
*no matter what i do; you can never see it*
*no matter what happened; you can't be bothered*
*isn't it?*
10:59 PM
it hurts... alot
and you don't even bother? do you?
lesson was boring. after school, went to marina square. then went over to marina mandarin. met ken. so long haven't met him. talked for quite long. left aorund 12am. took cab home.
had a dream. seems so real. now i know.
11:08 AM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
woke up at 12pm, bathed, changed and did some research and preparation work. made my way to Parkway Parade. took 2 buses instead of usual 853 cause 853 is freaking long. took 854 and then changed to 966. reached there around 4+pm. was supposed to be at the new Juzz 1's opening launch. doing sound for there. because it was such a late minute engagement, couldn't find any sound people so we did it on our own.

dress; and sound. bryan my assistant. =p
met aloy whom was doing sound for the mickey mouse show. also met celina whom was working in a pushcart nearby. ended at 9pm. damien kept calling me ask me to hurry up go down DXO. :x couldn't find cab so booked cab. EXPENSIVE. sob sob.
reached DXO for damien and brandon's event. hungry. haven't had dinner. guess what? met tiffy!!! and steven. LOL. finally had some company. thought was going to be alone. cause didn't see chengze there. had dinner with tiffy and steven. and guess what? tay and yahui came down to pei me!!! so after dinner, went to harry's bar to crazy a bit. cause DXO too many people le. crazy together until close to 12am and then they went off. :x sadded.
went into dxo. rotted upstairs for quite long. overlooking, see what wilson is doing downstairs. and i see the crowd a bit funny too. met ming yang. talked quite awhile with him. met chengze. FINALLY. talked awhile then he went off. yawn. jeeyon called. talked a bit before damien called. and then back to rotting. went out to loft to rot. the bartender see i alone, came over to talk to me. wahahaha. good that i often DXO. so at least got some people to talk to. :p
chengze came back. said hungry. left dxo to makan. ate at hong kong cafe. dxo closed. wilson called. and he came over to hong kong cafe for food too. chengze left. joined wilson, melissa and victoria. talked super loads until 6.30am in the morning! went home together. shared cab with wilson and victoria. hahaha. 1st time with 2 aries and i still can click with them.
came home slept until now. YAWNZ
3:48 PM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
super happening day
after doing my report in the library, and wasting my hp airtime + batteries + tons of sms on some f.t idiot, i am going to po cai by $180. you know, determination is good. but this sort of persistance is what i call IRRITATING. come on lah, i don't serve night life. my corporate suppliers are more straightforward. And easier to work with. never sign confirmation letter means no confirmation. simple as that. and please, don't use dotbox to come threaten me. is either you are plain DUMB, you don't understand what is dotbox or you are trying to act smart.
didn't go down to DXO in the end cause raining, outdoor bar not open. Headed down to Tampines Mall to meet cz and aunty and uncle. had dinner with them. =) it has been so so long since i had dinner with a full family. thanks uncle. =)
went down to orchard. went to rouge bar. 1st time in there. like it alot. =) met louis, very long never see him. drank fav martell. rock band was fantastic. too bad, didn't get what i wanted.
finally i understand what matthew was saying...
1:37 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Staying in my dreams
oh gosh. i hate decembers most. i don't know why. each time in decembers, i will start to become very very dreamy. and i hate to do anything, or rather run away from everything and escape to my own world.
probably i have dreamt too much. i have expected too much as well.
12:08 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
cute cute <3
Wishin' and Hopin'
Ani Difranco
Wishin' and hopin'
And thinkin' and prayin'
Plannin' and dreamin'
Each night of his charms
That won't get you into his arms
So if you're looking
To find love that you can share
All you gotta do is
Hold him and kiss him and love him
And show him that you care
Show him that you care just for him
Do the things that he likes to do
Wear your hair just for him
Cause you won't get him
Thinkin' and prayin',
Wishin' and hopin'
Wishin' and hopin' and Thinkin' and prayin
'Plannin' and dreamin'
His kisses will start
That won't get you into his heart
So if you're thinkin'
Of how great true love is
All you gotta do is
Hold him, and kiss him
And squeeze him and love him
Just do it
And after you do
You will be his
Show him that you care
And just for him
Do the things that he likes to do
Wear your hair just for him
Cause you won't get him
Thinkin' and prayin'
Wishin' and hopin' just
will never get bored by this cute cute love song. =)
if only such cute love exist.
3:43 AM
yawns.. busy
busy busy busy
all i can say is that i forsee a super fast pace december.
after school, after ut, met richard at revenue house. omg. he is really so like his brother(jensen). speak the same, dressing the same, style also the same. and both thought my name is "celine" initially. probably jensen told him is SERENE since he started calling me SERENE recently and not celine.
funny guy. as "xian" as jensen. ac nielsen loved my deco idea. weee. still have a bit of creative bugs in me. hehe. had a super super long meeting with them. ended at 7.30pm. oh no! late late. =(
hitched a ride from richard to bugis. met the cuties, damien and brandon again. just realised, how delicate damien's hands are. wa... took dinner at Hans. talked details about upcoming event. thankfully i no need do logistics cause i have such cute helpers. hahaha! anyway, they 2 are funny guys. i love to work with funny people. lightens up the mood.
2:06 AM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
en lounge
i think people will probably think i am a party animal. have been going to clubs/pubs or drinking every weekend. omg. dxo, dxo and yesterday en lounge. is beside double O. cutie brandon and damien came down. helped me cleared several tix. which is good. cause that kind of event is zzzz. so anyway, met jonathan(lee) and friends. joanna was on the runway. jason came too. guess what? shih ling's bf is jonathan's fren, alvin. LOL.
jonathan simply can't drink at all. worst than jona. probably all call jonathans are bad drinkers. his friends tried to challenge me. too bad, their jonathan knocked out first. :p spent most of the time outside at the outdoor pub. they were inside dancing. talking to jason and smsing. went to eat bak ku teh after that. then walked over to MOS. took NR back.
11:31 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
wa. can't believe it lorz. matthew is so damn fast! he and cz everytime say i am the pro, now i know who is the pro lahz. people 15 yrs old only nia. so fast. people head over heels for you le. i still thought u so good, take off day on wed go to holiday inn with us. yuan lai is go movies with her!!!
lol. i can make fun of him le. :p
pai sey, yesterday entry so emo. cause someone was emo-ing so i emo as well. but no worries, everything is alright. =)
7:14 PM