Thursday, January 31, 2008
飞轮海 & SHE
脑海中 相本日记
只要 在你身边
我就 省掉思念
时间 只用来眷恋
我要 在你身边
尽情 浪费喜悦
也许 一待就永远
脑海中 相本日记
从此更新 只有彼此专属甜蜜
只要 在你身边
我就 省掉思念
时间 只用来眷恋
我要 在你身边
尽情 浪费喜悦
也许 一待就永远
只要 在你身边
我就 省掉思念
时间 只用来眷恋
我要 在你身边
尽情 浪费喜悦
也许 一待就永远(一待就永远)
脑海中 相本日记
只要 在你身边
我就 省掉思念
时间 只用来眷恋
我要 在你身边
尽情 浪费喜悦
也许 一待就永远
脑海中 相本日记
从此更新 只有彼此专属甜蜜
只要 在你身边
我就 省掉思念
时间 只用来眷恋
我要 在你身边
尽情 浪费喜悦
也许 一待就永远
只要 在你身边
我就 省掉思念
时间 只用来眷恋
我要 在你身边
尽情 浪费喜悦
也许 一待就永远(一待就永远)
a very cute cheerful and bubbly song that i like alot.
haven't being doing much recently.
clear room, clear house.
rot. drama. msn
12:27 AM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year
hahaha... i know it's not yet chinese new year.
but i was just doing some photoshopping.
when i thought why not i do a chinese new year card.
i think i failed terribly.
my chinese new year card is so... modern...
too modern...

so what do you think of it?
5:18 PM
the days are getting closer
i am starting to feel the intensity...
as the clock ticks
i find that my future is now in my hands.
success or failure?
only time will determine.
and failure will never be in my dictionary...
super slack in class today. never do much.
today had career fair in school.
after school, waited for tiffy to go eastpoint mall.
fitting today was ok.
miyo was late though.
after fitting came home.
recently have watched lots of movies.
i've completed surgeon bong dal hee.
i like it. especially dr ahn. he's so cute.
also rewatched forrest gump.
"life is like a box of chocolates; you will never what you be getting"
watched meet joe black.
watched music and lyrics.
Get way back into love
By Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore
(Drew Barrymore)
I've been living with a shadow overhead,
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I've been lonely for so long,
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on!
(Hugh Grant)
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,
Just in case I ever need them again someday,
I've been setting aside time,
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!
All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it true without a way back into love.
(Drew Barrymore)
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine,
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs,
I know that it's out there,
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere!
(Hugh Grant)
I've been looking for someone to shed some light,
Not somebody just to get me through the night,
I could use some direction,
And I'm open to your suggestions.
All I want to do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
And if I open my heart again,
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!
Oooooooh, Ooooooh, Ooooooh.
(Drew Barrymore)
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!
Oooooooh. Oooooooh.
Ooooooooh. Oooooooh.
Ooooooh Ooooooooh. Ooooooooh.
and today just completed edward scissorhands.
yst tiffy, cz and i were at vivocity eating carl's junior.
so we were chatting about alot of things.
and being the usual me, i love asking the most random things.
the random question of the day:
what will you do if you come home one day finding your spouse is having an adultery?
i guess i am someone cold blooded?
my answer: walk into the room, pack my bags, make sure he recieves lawyer's letter the next day.
and if i have kids, i will bring my kids along.
my kids don't need a dad whom has no responsibility.
tiffy and cz were saying my answer is so damn cold blooded.
and they also clearly know my character.
when i say it, i mean it.
even though i always say i won't look back into the past
or i don't look into the past...
i still like to check things out.
and think.
and sometimes i do wonder...
why some people are just so stupid.
not treasuring the people around
or choosing to give up for something else
and regret at the end of the day.
anything you say now
whatever you do now
it's all over.
2:07 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
omg. sian. zzz.
yawns.. it's 10.37pm.
and i am still in school playing dota!!!
playing dota!!!
(me, tiffy, wei jian, cz)
and i found that mushroom is a taboo word for warcraft. :x
10:33 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
FYP is over!!!
thurs just finished nike's opening ceremony successfully.
huge team on thurs but 1st time the core teams are around.
me at nike's office. =p
FYP yesterday...
woke up super early at 6.30am!!!
did a bit of preparation.
waited for cz and that idiot forgot to bring my logbook!
so had to U-turned back for my logbook.
presentation arhz.
personally my performance was good.
hmmm... reacted well.
rest, i shouldn't say so much.
we know ourselves.
after presentation, went to walk walk.
met liesbet at civic mac.
talked super long.
i have always felt liesbet is like our jie jie.
hehe. =)
after mac; happened to meet tiang yong at seoul garden.
it has been so long.
and he hasn't changed much.
he's my pri sch best fren!!!
glad to see him again.
went to orchard to meet tiffy.
we went to heeren to watch manhunt 2008.
saw meiqi, spoke a little
went to sakura for dinner.
hehe. met yu hui (structural bio classmate)
we ate; laughed at everything.
and we were so bad laughing at people's surname.
here are some:
Mrs Oh-Sim (Osim)
Mrs Goh-Lee (Goalie)
Mrs Goh-Chong (Go Chiong)
and many more...
sensitive. cannot say. :x
you can do many things with your hands.
including building your future.
including building your future.
or destroying it.
i think i destroyed a friendship...
but if only...
he didn't choose to do it.
11:26 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Bad day with a little rainbow sprinkles...
probably it was a premonition for a bad day. woke up late for school this morning. managed to catch up with gor gor though. surprisingly the class was quite empty.
it is funny how people meet and seperate sometimes.
after so long, for the 1st time. i met him in school today.
and it is funny how months ago, we spoke enthusiaticly.
today without a word at all, we just walked past each other.
i have already told myself. i am not going back to my past.
and i will not turn back to him again.
and i finally did it.
-proud of myself-
day began to worsen when selfishness creeped in.
it wasn't intentionally that i made myself unavailable.
but someone failed in his reponsibility; why should i carry on the burden?
and i know i couldn't pass the burden to darling.
neither could i do it on cz.
were we asking for too much?
it was only a poster.
and if only he handed in the info on time, i could have printed on wed.
i have completely give up on fyp this sat.
one for all; all for one.
want to die, let's die together.
after ut, went down to nike. cheered up a little.
with the wacky gang: julia, tiffy and cz.
was at nike for fitting.
and i couldn't help it but also fell in love with 2 other male tees.

i also found this cute set of shoes. i think it is super cool. papa shoe, mummy shoe and baby shoe.
in the end, i preferred the papa shoe cutting. more sneaker like.
had subway for dinner.
talked a little.
rode train back.
chatted with darling via sms.
hope everything is all well for her.
sometimes, some people are depending on miracles
or probably trying to push their luck
unfortunately, in this world, there is no such thing as miracles...
but only initiatives...
if you don't take it, you lose it.
don't expect lost treasure to appear in front of you again.
one can never be twice lucky.
and this is dedicated to someone:
probably you don't read here often.
and probably by the time you read it, this issue is already outdated.
nevertheless, i know you have heard it too many today.
but still...
- the little help
- the "self-pity" session
- the rantings
and many many more.
You are sincerely appreciated.
1:49 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
erm... the answer is a: HE
OMG! i can't imagine me having a bf like him!!!
1:25 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Went out today. cause yahui never sms me whether to meet us. so in the end i went out for work instead. went to tan's place first collect things then went over to nike again. wa. i really admire their office alot. =)
*2 more days to her birthday*
*happy birthday mummy*
11:20 PM
9 more lessons
9 more lessons to graduation.
counting down starts now.
yst woke up early. as usual, cz is late. so i met matthew first. then we waited for cz at the bus stop until he was ready. took bus to airport. then took train to expo. met tay. walked over to nike. zzz. super far. meeting was ok. took can to office. had another meeting. met this guy whom obviously have no idea about me. bad mouthing is bad. he was saying bad things about youthepreneur. not really happy about it. because afterall, it is still belongs to my IG. my platform, our concepts. it isn't meant for him to comment if he doesn't know how the structure works.
after meeting, went off to eastpoint mall to meet the models. omg. SUPER HECTIC. i can't believe it. in a day, i was the coordinator; stylist; model. LOL. was working with this fashion for this show. and they are super "chin chye". and being this fashion, my girls really had no idea what to choose and wear. so in the end, had to help them with the clothes, you know, running here and there, get clothes for them, match for them. the fitting itself, i am already shag! after fitting, went to the stage to start coordination. OMG. edmund has no idea how to get the models to walk on stage. so i had to come out with the route. thank goodness, i did dancing before. =p so it wasn't that bad coming out with the route, poses. ended around 8.30pm. off off to amara hotel for the last meeting. i swear i was already SUPER tired. reached home close to 1am. bathe and KO till today.
woke up; went to school. lesson was ok. not my best performance. no spirit to be a little enthu. tired. found out that our accredited QHES food science lab was infested with rats. blah. irony. was like what darling and i had discussed back when we doing formulation. about how much more hygienic it would be if it was in our own homes. LOL. anyway, samuel's team they all witnessed the rats running around and put rat poison inside. eeek. went home with yahui and huiling. slept. sleep until so shiok. woke up for dinner and rj.
sometimes, after being too busy for so long, stop awhile and look at your surroundings. you may notice things or people whom you have always missed; but they were just there. treasure it before it is too late.
1:28 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
yup. it is another night of randoms. nothing much to do. :p
dig and found the photos i took on the night at gotham penthouse.
i was so bored cause those weren't my crowd.
so camwhore a bit.
huiling say i look weird pinning my hair up.
comments peeps?
Without you
By Harry Nilsson
No, I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows
No, I can't forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrow
When I had you there but then I let you go
And now it's only fair that I should let you know
What you should know
I can't live if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give any more
I can't live if living is without you
I can't give, I can't give any more
No, I can't forget this evening
Though your face said you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows
I can't live if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give anymore
I can't live if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give anymore
this song brings back memories.
my mum loved it alot.
i forgot the title of the movie but it was featured in a movie starring whitney huston.
if i'm not wrong. the title should be bodyguard?
probably whitney huston sang a cover of this also.
details of story very vague in my memory.
singer fell in love with her bodyguard.
anyway, this was the only movie, i saw my mum cried.
so it should be touching.
1:14 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
school's network sucks
ok. just ended pearly's lesson.
pretty bored now. waiting for huiling and tay to finish class.
and school's network is so so freaking slow.
i can't play facebook.
1st day of school isn't any good. damn boring.
slacked the whole lesson.
after school, met jona and darling for fyp.
then we went for makan.
went home, nappie.
gor gor asked me about my rj. he wanna take reference.
= =
2nd day of school quite ok.
but still very boring.
tmr meeting tay and matthew.
3:15 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
school starting soon!!
omg... once again, school starting soon.
rotted at home today. slept only at 7am. couldn't slp much.
yst woke up around 8.30am, went out.
rushed here and there. so many places.
went to meet mr moh and mr soh at united square.
i missed them loads. :x
talked alot, got a new eyeliner from them.
new brand they carrying.
went back to yishun. supposed to meet matthew at mac but too many people.
waited at 925. he's late!
as usual, he is the moderator for cz and my arguement again.
left around 3am.
we walked back home. from khatib mrt to yishun mrt. and i was wearing heels.
thanks for the super long walk and talk.
10:50 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
Dreaming of you
by Selena
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I wish on a star that somewhere you are
Thinking of me too
Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me
Wonder if you ever see me
And I wonder if you know I'm there
If you looked in my eyes
Would you see what's inside
Would you even care?
I just wanna hold you close
But so far all I have are dreams of you
So I wait for the day
And the courage to say how much I love you
Yes I do!
I'll be dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I stay up and think of you
And I still can't believe
That you came up to me and said "I love you"
I love you too!
Now I'm dreaming with you tonight
Till tomorrow and for all of my life
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room dreaming of you endlessly
Dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Than here in my room
I'll be dreaming of you tonight
And I'll be holding you tight
Dreaming...with you...tonight !
this song speaks everything.
too bad you don't get to hear it.
went for a meeting early this morning. 1st time woke up so early in the morning for this holiday. :x
went back to office to clear some work. got a new mouse from him. =p muhahahaha. one and only again.
after work, went down to DXO for NYC's event. no alcohol for me today! i am a good girl. =) met a nice lady today. after event, met xing sheng. chat for a while then left.
I FINALLY FINISHED WATCHING IRYU!!! omg. i seriously hope there is a 3rd season. PLEASE PLEASE. it is too good to end it. i love arase!!!
2:18 AM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Year's Eve
and how did i spent it?
woke up, rotted a bit.
watched some drama. was introduced to iryu by zhao. it's nice.
took dinner with dad. dressed, waited for tiffy and cz to call.
alan called. spoke to him for very long. from waiting for tiffy to call till walking to mrt station and waited till she reached.
went over to causeway point for the cdc thingy.
zhao and eric called; met them at woodlands.
then we went off to thomson for supper.
and then???
dota till morning.
wahahahah. it has been so long ever since i last dota.
and it's fun. =)
2:50 PM