Monday, March 31, 2008
it rained again today.
met mu mu at woodlands
took train to marsiling.
while waited for her, chatted a lot.
i think i am going crazy soon.
especially with emotions that you can't control.
one moment you are happy
one moment you are sad
one moment you are lost
one moment you are estastic
it's worst than menopause or menses.
you know.
like i said, time does not heal wounds.
and i admit i have not let go of things.
and at one point of time,
i was really struggling to hold the tears
and i thought i could just cry any moment
i could see her holding it back too.
and when i was in trouble the last time
she is always there for me
and yet i don't know how to be there for her
or rather... am i of any help to her?
probably this is how much you can love a friend...
take care.
stay strong.
your ever ready wall is here you to lean.
1:14 AM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
my gor gor is so bad.
i told him my hp screen crack le
he said orbi quack, i heard it from my room.
= =
i was hinting him to sponsor me hp lah.
went for YEig bbq today.
today also suppose to be graduation night.
but i tink all of us prefer coming to bbq.
more fun. =p
turn out of the day:
facis: gail; the new bubbly YEig advisor (worked with her before once in Youthepreneur. both of us were the crazy entertainers...)
choon hou; known as the emo one.
leslie; known as the serious and naggy one
jacob; known as the social buttefly (my big big eyecandy =p)
year 2: kelly
year 3: hui si, andrea (the new YEig president), yen leng, mei jing
graduates: me, wei cong, wei jing (former YEig president), tina, derrick, sherman, edmund, victor, benjamin, lindy
i hope i didn't miss out on anyone.
still waiting for photos from mr sim.
reached around 5.30pm.
was late but realised just in time.
i got out of the cab, and someone shouted "RAMBUTAN! HERE!"
= =
don't guess... it's wei cong.
damn... laugh at my red hair.
helped them carried food over to the pit.
andrea and me started off by organising the things.
(i'm always hardworking de.)
then andrea the garang camp instructor (she is damn small size ok! smaller than me...) started the fire.
wei cong and i helped in fanning the charcoal. (gonna have muscles soon!)
but the time the fire was ready, we 3 were damn dead tired.
rested and started on the ready grilled chicken wings.
obviously, food got from bbq wholesale.
zzz. AGAIN. damn. how many times a week must i eat their food???
jacob was irritating.
went around taking photos at everybody and one point, he kept taking photos of me.
and i walked around so that he can't stay focus.
and gail was like, OOI. why you keep taking photo of her, want take ask her pose lahz..
i was wrapping the corns (wei jing wanted cup corn style of corns) and jacob started calling me corny.
blah! BULLY ME. roar.
and i want to complain!
edmund can't cook.
his chicken wing... cook until don't know is chicken wing or charcoal.
so 2nd shift was taken by me, benjamin and gail.
1st shift was andrea, tina and wei jing.
at the end, i ended up bbq-ing the rest.
while eating, we tried to force mr sim to talk cause he so introvert.
i think we were quite mean.
trying to match make him with lynda chong.
nothing much to blog here.
most of the things we spoke about were more to inside jokes from YEig.
hehe. so probably you all also won't understand.
and edmund was damn funny when he was trying to hit on gail.
ben, victor and i were imitating him.
leslie left early for wedding dinner.
edmund and mei jing to meet friends.
we stayed till around 11pm.
damn early... usually my bbqs, i stayed over midnight.
shared cab with ben, victor (yishun) and sherman (amk)
damn cool.
super long since i last spoke to sherman and victor.
sherman is still the same, the quiet one.
ben, victor and i used to be in the same team for a project, back in year one.
i can very easily click with them, cause ben was from my sec sch and victor is a fellow cancerian.
the whole journey home was damn crappy.
and a bit argumentative. LOL.
victor, sherman and i are fans of HEROES
while ben is fan of HOUSE (haven't watch... so i can't comment much)
3 of us were so damn excited about heroes and poor ben was like "where got nice"
whole in whole;
it was damn fun with IG people.
probably the best batch ever?
cause the rest of the batches aren't as enthu as us.
tmr meeting mu mu!!!
miss him super loads...
however, i meet up tmr isn't something to celebrate about.
i am still excited to see him.
1:14 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
on a rainy day...
probably i was or i am the only one who knows this kind of feeling.
the kind of loneliness that not everyong can feel
you can eat as much as you want
laugh as much as you want
trying all ways to make yourself happy
but still...
there is this hole in your heart.
this is call emptiness.
it's not loneliness
and yet you feel all alone.
especially when you have much "burden" with you
forcing yourself to be strong; letting them lean on you
when you yourself is only a pathetic film... not a wall.
and when they said don't worry... time will heal all wounds.
it is all lies.
because time will never heal the wounds.
ten years... thirty years... it still hurts.
probably it is only reality that will heal all wounds.
only by accepting reality, facing it and letting go.
it won't hurt.
sad but true.
i only learnt that when i was in sgh last dec.
i was a fool.
holding on to things that belonged to the past.
and belonging to memory.
darling, i know how you are like.
i hope you will choose to face it strongly.
it's harsh but this is the only way she will be happy.
jia you, my dearest.
i'm always here for you.
was on the train this evening.
and this particular song kept repeating in my head.
it was from a super long ago movie by fann wong.
i have always wanted to find that song but was lazy.
only today... i had this super strong urge to find this song out.
and i found...
By 何润东
so... what do you say?
12:49 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
on a rainy day
i have once believed
on each rainy day...
it represents the sky is mourning.
hate to admit it.
but i begin to believe my own theory.
my heart aches for her to see her in such a situation.
but i know she can be as brave as me.
5:13 PM
after 3 years of "suffering" in RP,
i've finally graduated!
ok... not really suffering.
have met wonderful friends in RP.
met great facilitators. special mention to liesbet, choon hou, scottz, benny koh, patricia, yen ping, jensen, peng hock, haliza.
and most importantly: EDDIE CHUA.
i will miss meeting gary in school!
and going school with my gor gor. =(
woke up DAMN early.
was supposed to meet them at 10am but as always, i'm the earliest.
they reached around 10.30 then we went to mac for breakfast.
back to school and started cam-whoring.
saw marcus (SIT) but didn't catch him in time for photos.
missed out on jason tan (SIT) too.
wei cong called me from afar... SERENE!
hard to miss... LOL.
first person i took photo with:
wei cong; my best working partner in YEig.
then took photos with tina (YEig) and wei jing (YEig) too.
have yet to get it from them.
so while waiting for our registration, we did a bit of cam-whoring.
tay's idea... presenting to you RP's next top models.
tay's idea... presenting to you RP's next top models.
and while yahui did some survey thingy.
we cam-whored more...
and the ceremony begins...
was sitting next to narene and this guy i don't know who.
and next to them were zhao and eliza.
so isn't that bad.
got people to talk to.
and moreover, huiling smsed me. LOL.
and so did my gor gor.
they sat at 2nd level.
i guess only RP students will get it.
and not to mentioned, RP is really PBL.
even national anthem you also have to PBL.
have to guess which part they actually played.
cause is abridged version (6th P)
found my gor gor and papa.
papa was "admiring" my cert.
me and the cute cute bernie!
darling and i, only missing muhe...
yahui, wei yang and me
my papa wanted to take with the dustbin instead of me!
my papa and gor gor
yahui, me and darling
wai keong and me! my bestie in YEig. it's funny how we know each other. we used to be bickering partners back in competition.
speaking of which...
astonishing news...
no.. i am not envious. LOL.
with zhao. =p
too bad... the photos didn't really come out good enough.
the best class in my 3 years poly life: W36K
i think we may be on the cover of next @loud. LOL.
we went swensen's for a small celebration after that.
my favourite photo of the day:
i went home and flipped through the graduation brochure.
and i realized something...
i flipped through the pages,
read every diploma.
his name is excluded inside.
his retribution!!! not being able to graduate!!!
alright... i am EVIL.
12:21 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Pink hair
oh man...
i wanted to get a hair cut today.
but my usual hair salon is undergoing renovation now.
so i called my friend whom is a hairstylist.
he said ok, he do for me but with a favour.
i paid $25 for the cut and i walked out with pink hair.
= =
thanks to him lah!
say want to experiment a new color tone and being me, always the freestyle kind, he happily played with my hair.
hope tomorrow i won't be the MOST OUTSTANDING STUDENT.
and i went to boon keng for dinner today.
got this uncle kept looking at my hair!
speak canto somemore; as if i don't understand.
tell his son somemore.
that i have pink hair.
= =
12:01 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
just met darling to get my gown.
after so many days.. finally i got it from her.
and yesh, it really so complicated.
and finally, i went to fix my specs.
ever since my part time cleaner accidentally threw my other specs,
i have been wearing my chicken little specs and i thought i should change the lens of my pink specs so that i could wear that out.
and finally i got it done today.
weee. can collect on tuesday.
"new specs"!!
probably i'll go for a haircut on tuesday morning too.
my hair is so messy without styling.
woke up SUPER early in the morning
went down to ken's office to discuss some work.
yawns... to wake the princess that early in the morning, it better be worth it!
after meeting him, went to find mr soh at taka.
and i got a daisy...
as usual, we waited for cz.
and while waiting for him; we chatted quite a bit.
and you know what? one of the girls i worked with for that balloon thingy event for mr soh was tammy.
and i didn't realised though i find her familiar.
don't worry. she is a nice girl; i assure you.
and he brought us lunch at this jap restaurant.
yum yum.
i love potato and curry!
after eating the jap curry from here, you will never want to taste any other atas curry in food courts or eatery.
and with loads of pickles on my rice.
after lunch; went to find ken again.
for k-ster session!
ugly me
after k-ster went to ken's office again.
the guys talked about work...
while me explored a bit.
and i broke my alcohol fast and drank this huge cup of baileys.
blah... why some didn't believed that i drew that cute girl annares?
i shall show you proof then:
2:40 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
happy good friday.
went to J8 today to meet the peeps from tjc.
had fun with vincent and jin zhi.
did a bit of art work for them today as they had mistakes on their cards.
i should start charging designer fee.
meanwhile, my 2nd attempt on stick drawings.
had the urge to draw after listening to the song ye zhi.
i drew the girl my own with photoshop.
and i shall name the girl annares.
cute mah?
probably there is a hidden message?
11:33 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
heavy rain today!
with thunderstorm.
and cz's mum was nice to treat me curry for lunch.
probably she reads my blog knowing i have craving for curry.
yum yum.
i miss my mummy. =(
went back to office did a bit of work.
paul not working anymore.
new storeman.
i miss paul. =(
anyhow, he was the only colleague i know since i 1st started working in travelPAC.
after work, went to amk hub to meet my date!
hehe. so excited.
because usually only i date him, he won't date me.
no prize for guessing what's for dinner...
fish and co!!!
my date. =)
kola tonic and passion fruit.
seafood platter for one. mine. =)
his "fish cake" with prawns (from my platter)
my dessert. panna cotta
yum yum
was so DAMN full.
and guess what? he taught me a way how to get more fries.
he told the waitress that the fries was cold and ask what should they do.
the supervisor came and gave us additional HOT fries.
and he said i smiled too much in the photo that i looked like clown.
and he spammed people with the article.
anyway, thanks for the treat.
ps. to see how my gor gor looks like; scroll up.
handsome right?
any girls interested can apply here.
cause he is a very nice date.
just mean to me.
but meanies wouldn't treat sister to fish and co de right?
2:19 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
went to tjc to meet some passionate youths.
ok; that was how they intro themselves to me.
and it is true that i see passion in them...
anyway, if it wasn't them, i don't think i would ever get a chance to step into a JC.
hey... not that my results aren't good enough
but just that it wasn't my option then.
and probably the other JCs i went to are YJC for my P.E lesson and NYJC when my friend sneaked me in long time ago to join their orientation.
hmmm... feedbacks with regards to the article was a mixed one.
shifu is obviously very happy about it; jumping around. (not bothered by whether the photo was nice anot. LOL)
gor gor is so aren't gor gor... he said cz look better than me! ROAR
jason tan and i made a pact to have a "time capsule" and to check out with each other every 2 years for our progress (he is an IT genius, aspiring to be next Bill Gates or Mr Google)
mushroom was very assuring that the photo looks nice though i know it doesn't. (ok, probably he really thought it was nice but i have low confidence about it.)
jacob was like shouting across the hall when he saw me (ok, tiny exaggeration)
ben was suggesting loads of stupid ideas on how to let people know that is me
andrea was telling me how to keep it nicely
tiffy and i kept shaking head at the photo. spell U-G-L-Y
ok ok.
anyway, tried to help damien by writing in to RP.
sad to say DIEM got no more openings but mr tan (CIE director) suggested him to join other courses then join JIVEig.
somehow, i rather him joined YEig then.
i have the same jacket as Rebecca Lim (the one from the channel 5: Enbloc)!! hehe.

11:42 AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
eyecandies =)
woke up super early in the morning
couldn't sleep last night anyway.
woke up; first thing was opened door.
super disappointed.
papa have cancelled the subscription to straits times and business times!!!
brushed teeth, wash up, quickly went downstairs.
and that stupid benjamin was 1 min late!
ok ok.
walked so fast... almost ran to the newspaper stand and bought IT!
ben desperately trying to take a peep at the papers, me trying to hide.
bad bad bad.
ok. bus was super crowded. so couldn't sleep.
erm, were one of the latest to reach.
the battle started at 9am.
zzz. super disorientated.
saw some eyecandies. hehe.
saw my big big eye candy in the noon!
biscuits! first thing he said: "hey! your face is in my mail leh..."
= = dots...
then gor gor also saw the webmail.
haiz. saw my structural bio eyecandy also...
one and only malay eyecandy. LOL.
and he remembered me (he is not from my class!). not bad not bad.
sales was SUPER CRAZY in the noon.
and we sold alot of ultimate package.
YEig power pack.
and victor (SUI advisor) made a big mistake by betting with us.
he said if our sales can beat $2800 he will bring us to crystal jade.
when he said that, our sales was already $2300. =p
total sales of the day: $3600+
and ours is 3rd day of matriculation.
and we beat SUI shop record.
congrats team.
thanking my wonderful team: weicong, andrea, ben, terence, huisi and yong liang.
so... victor bo bian had to bring us to crystal jade.
yum yum.
thanks victor and mr sim for the treat.
took train home with ben.
then we were randomly talking about sec sch days.
gosh. i can't believe we both took part in the same scrabble competition.
too bad he was competing in the north district in northland sec.
me in west district in gan eng seng sec.
and the funniest thing was one of his opponent was also from yss.
mine west district de jia lat.
strong opponents.
1st round was jurong west, all 3 of us beat them 3-0
2nd round was catholic high, 2 of us beat them 2-1
and 3rd round was nightmare...
hwa chong, only me managed to beat one of them 1-2
hence, we lost overall.
i missed the scrabble days!!!
i should pick up scrabble again.
was chatting a bit with damien
he still waiting for his results from dae.
hope he gets into rp.
then it will be good for him.
you aren't far
yet you aren't near
so... where are you?
took train home with ben.
then we were randomly talking about sec sch days.
gosh. i can't believe we both took part in the same scrabble competition.
too bad he was competing in the north district in northland sec.
me in west district in gan eng seng sec.
and the funniest thing was one of his opponent was also from yss.
mine west district de jia lat.
strong opponents.
1st round was jurong west, all 3 of us beat them 3-0
2nd round was catholic high, 2 of us beat them 2-1
and 3rd round was nightmare...
hwa chong, only me managed to beat one of them 1-2
hence, we lost overall.
i missed the scrabble days!!!
i should pick up scrabble again.
was chatting a bit with damien
he still waiting for his results from dae.
hope he gets into rp.
then it will be good for him.
you aren't far
yet you aren't near
so... where are you?
1:16 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
i tink other than my wedding day;
tonight will be the day i am so excited, so nervous.
in a few more hours...
i can't sleep.
and i can't wait to get my hands on it.
business times...
12:02 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
group date!!!
yesterday cz asked me to go on a group date with him.
so i went with him today.
see!!! i so nice.
still everytime bully me.
since he told me those guys a bit geeky de
so i dressed a bit more havoc to deter them.
frightening enough bah?
blah. i was wrong.
the guys turned out to be darn good looking!
but super not interesting.
and not gentlement at all.
met cy and her 3 guy friends for dinner at plaza sing.
walked over to mr bean (oppo paradiz centre)
dinner was so so.
so little that stupid pork chop.
ok. now i want to start complaining.
one of them submissively launch attack at cz.
then i attacked back. blah.
worst. bill time.
zzz. there's something call service charge and GST.
only put their stoopid share.
so remaining paid by me and eugene!
and i put more!!!
$34 for 2 people ok?
zzzz. $2 more!!
all sit there see here see there, keep calculating bill.
actually i don't want put. i still said aloud cz and i put $32.
in the end i put cause i wanna show how UNGENTLEMENT they are.
then went to eat beancurd.
boring lah.
they talked the things, erm... not my kind of tea.
guys good looking also no use.
so ungentlement.
of all the guys, aside from cz, only eugene probably still ok lah.
but too bad, not interested.
i see him only have one word to say: PLAYER.
anyway, lousy date never mind.
i am still happy.
with something else. =)
and my gor gor so nice.
to date me out on wed night.
fish and co.
yum yum.
must qiao jia my gor gor.
1:08 AM
Friday, March 14, 2008
ok. went to office today.
i am good girl today.
did a bit more of design.
a "cute" guy pop in today.
then i realised actually i know him.
nvr mind about that.
went to parkway parade to meet 2 clients.
wa... my 3rd time there only.
not bad.
rotting in mcdonalds then cz act cute.
i pity his future gf...
you know why?
he said if a girl is cold in the cinema, he will either
1) hug her (still quite ok)
2) wait arh... i go get tissue paper let you wrap (????)
anyway, ever seen cz in specs?
your one and only chance...
and then...
me in my new specs:
yeah... i know i look darn geek in this specs.
but it isn't mine..
it's cz.
anyway, got home to learn a happening news.
ok. though i know it for quite awhile; but i am more shocked jeeyeon knows about it.
but thanks to him, i recovered a nice nice photo of myself:

back in my wild days.
cool eh?
anyway, don't ask me who's beside me.
cause is a scammer.
don't want to put her face.
cause her reputation darn bad and she is currently involved in a band competition scam.
and darn it! she put my photo in her friendster!!!
i am no scammer though.
anyway, beware of any band competitons.
PLEASE CONSULT ME FIRST before taking part in any.
aside from my usual cravings for mushroom;
i am have a craving for curry too!
yum yum
with loads of kandang
11:24 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
By Mandy Moore
I'll always remember... it was late afternoon.
It lasted forever, but ended so soon.
Yeah You were all by yourself,
staring up at a dark gray sky,
I was changed.
In places no one will find,
all your feelings so deep inside.
Was there that I realized that forever was in your eyes.
The moment I saw you cry.
It was late in September and I've seen you before.
You were always the cold one
but I was never that sure
you were all by yourself,
staring up at a dark gray sky.
I was changed
I wanted to hold you.
I wanted to make it go away.
I wanted to know you.
I wanted to make your everything,
All right.
Ill always remember it was late afternoon
I think I saw you cry
The moment I saw you cry
I wanted to know you, i wanted to know you ....
today is a rainy day.
rainy day is good for emo song.
one of my all time favourite.
from the movie a walk to remember.
didn't go down to office today.
stayed home slacked.
did a bit of designing on the brochure.
went for lunch with gor gor.
weird! he is in korean mood today.
ate korean food then we went shopping a bit.
went to popular to get some physics book for his student.
he asked me whether i am interested in taking up students for POA.
cause some of his students are looking for POA tuition.
hmmm.. should i?
i lazy to study though.
good thing about working from home:
sleep a bit, eat a bit, do a bit, anytime, anywhere you like.
10:11 PM
movie marathon!!
early in the morning went to amk hub
got conned by them again.
i was so damn early i wandered around the mall twice.
inclusive of randoming trying on clothes and shoes.
in the end i gave up and sat down
then a pair of grandparents sat beside me
the grandma went to walk walk, grandpa still beside me
so in the end, i ended up talking to him.
tiffy finally came and my stomach was so irritating.
ate subway.
went to amk library to slack
waited for cz.
went to lan shop then went down to town.
went back home.
eddy came over to take printer from me.
woke up super early today.
met him at 11am.
went to cineleisure, got tickets to L:change the world and 10,000 BC
L:change the world was good.
love it.
especially L.
hahaha. they should have a new one call N.
after 1st show went for lunch then watched 10,000BC
saw elias. he was sitting beside beside me only.
didn't say hi; cause i was dao.
10,000BC isn't too bad. nice.
i like the girl's eyes.
but just found it pretty lame that they wore so little walking in snow storm while we wore so much and shivering under the aircon.
went to LJS to slack a bit after that.
he saw his sec sch classmates.
wa. wat a small world.
then we decided to go for another movie.
was debating leap years and horton.
settled for horton.
muhahahaha. funny movie.
after horton went for dinner at cuppage.
dots. my 1st almost fall.
and gor gor said he saw me and i walked past him.
blah. came home got questioned quite a bit.
wahahaha. smoked through.
knowing that my gor gor is just like my mum;
he might tend to magnify the issue a bit. HAHA.
so anyway, i almost fell 4 times.
nike shoes can use for skating le.
blah. so MALU.
met evan on the train.
he say i have so many friends.
anyway, he better not be seeing this.
cause the day was better than i expected.
haha. afterall, i was going out with a... ... proclaimed woodblock.
actually ok lah, he's very nice and sweet.
so yup.
thanks for the day.
and the sweets.
there are alot of people in this world.
it could have been anyone...
what brings 2 people together?
there is fate that falls from the skies.
on to these 2 persons
you have met others...
but you are meant to be with that special someone;
who had only 1% of being hit by fate...
all it takes is 1% of fate for 99% of anything
12:03 AM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
mystery of life
probably you haven't realised
how fragile life is.
because no one has the answer to
what's next?
haven't realised that till i met some crisis recently
though it's solved, i've thought alot.
who knows what will happen next?
who knows how their future is like?
or who has a life changing experience?
don't ask what to do.
know what to do.
everything happen for a reason.
don't ask why it happened on me
know why it happened on me.
as long as your life there is a pessismistic view in it;
there will also be an optimistic view in it.
that's life.
1:11 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
more balloons
more photos
and more fun today.
By 小宇
oh 你好烦长的很奇怪
oh 没理由跳跃的感受
oh 转过头有点失落
oh 太崇拜自己的脑袋
oh 广场上牵着你走
i chionged finish death note 1 & 2.
can go watch L.
9:52 PM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
nice end to shitty week
was late for work.
terribly late.
lucky nat didn't scold.
don't dare tell mr soh too.
loads of people came to visit me today.
will be there again tomorrow.
find me if you wish to.
ngee ann city, in front of chanel.
i'll be giving out PINK balloons.
it's for this japanese brand eyeliner.
mr soh couldn't find someone to help him so i helped.
tay came down to return receipts.
tiffy came down to help me.
ken came down to find me.
alan came down to find me and ken for dinner.
after work, had dinner with ken, alan and tiffy.
i can't believed they two never tried before pepper lunch.
then went up to ngee ann city to slack; met chee siang.
cracked super loads of jokes about chee siang and chengze.
they two looked like long lost brothers.
i volunteered to be their manager.
we thought they will be even more famous than HK's TWINS and Taiwan's SHE.
even tiffy also agreed they two look alike. MUHAHAHA.
ken left for dota session.
alan went to meet his mum.
tiffy and i pei chee siang have dinner at cine.
tiffy left. left me and chee siang.
talked super loads.
first time talking to chee siang.
or rather, know more about him.
and at the end of the day, i conclude:
he isn't really like cz.
day after shitty day.
morning woke up still felt shitty.
but hahaha.
i realised... friends... haiz.
at least i know whom i can call friends.
thanks shawn, benjamin, alan for the concern.
thanks mushroom for the offer.
in the end, we managed to pull through.
this is what i call TEAM.
went back to rp.
stupid school.
stupid admin ppl.
and their what stupid "you need an authorised letter"
i thought how high tech or how secure their stupid graduation card is.
had lunch with tiffy. at pastamania.
ate their new menu:
broccoli mushroom baked rice.
erm... if only you like chao tar broccoli you can try.
this mushroom is not comparable to mushroom.
so... it's so-so only.
albert was funny.
complained to me about the pig in his house.
we set albert up with a girl.
david say chio meh?
anyway, david and albert are very good mentors.
they are just like my fathers.
met ken for dinner.
went over to his office; oppo clarke quay.
not bad.
ate fisherman's wrath.
again talking session.
not good.
talked about my story.
and i have to repeat it 2 weeks later for the writer!!!
weee. i am going to be a character on his book.
aside from shitty people and cockroach rice;
went out with marilyn and angeline.
XMAS gathering without X.
went to eat at hong kong cafe.
catched up quite a bit.
and guess what?
i have none.
shi bai.
and she is the least expected to have a bf so soon de lorz.
i need to jia you.
11:33 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
hell day
and probably the last you see serene.
i have never seen such a fucking sway day.
or should i say a day where you really walk to wits end.
and you fucking want to jump down.
"friends" whom calls you friend when they are desperate for money
and when you ask them back for it, not even half the amount they borrowed!
they shunned you like shit.
they are all shit.
nothing but shit.
worst than shit.
and to think i had fried cockroach in my rice today.
fuck it.
here's worse.
that bloody emcee demands payment by tomorrow.
if not for this, i wouldn't want to recover my money so urgent.
and bloody hell, my client insist on paying up next week.
and fucking shit my debtors either gives fucking excuse or change number.
and i even had to ask that jerk for the number.
here's much worst.
my mum is dead.
my aunt is dead.
my brother is in reservist.
my father's car had an accident and the stupid car is in workshop now.
probably serene should just die today.
11:09 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
serene is so envy now!
moi friend's fren is married.
she is 21 yrs old.
and her husband only 23 yrs old.
and her husband is FUCKING rich.
envy envy.
i want to get married soon!!!
to someone like that.
BMW Z4 for car.
Bvlgari ring for wedding band.
outdoor photo shoot.
husband stays in penthouse.
cz ask me to consider the one beside me.
= =
then guess what he said?
i got 2 penthouses; enough for you?
if he was 20 yrs younger; probably i don't mind.
but for now; albert is better off as goddad. hehe
5:37 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
rotted whole day at home
had a nap
dreamt of eating subway and carl's junior.
because of stupid dream;
i am having cravings for pickles and mushrooms.
yum yum.
went to chong pang for dinner.
randomly my brother asked me about my classmates.
kindergarden; primary; secondary.
i can't even remember my kindergarden there's a friend known as bao bei.
i can only remember kenneth. hehe.
that's because we used to go for art classes together.
for primary school still in contact with a few.
1st person he asked was yang zhou chao fan.
erm... he meant xiang zhou actually.
then asked about siping, sabrina, ee teng, xiu ru.
and just remembered i also have a friend known as ying siew.
hmmmm... wei loon. who else? blah.
then he asked about secondary school friends also.
i meeting XMAS on thurs! weee.
hahaha. who else?
so many people.
probably the only one i really still in contact with is jona bah.
hmmm... since pri sch.
and probably the most wanted to see friend of all these years is...
but i only know his name is kenneth. that's all.
If there was a day
I went back to the past
Back to who I was
Would you ever notice me?
If there was a day
I was to leave
To where I won't be seeing you
Would you ever say goodbye?
Do you ever know that
I am thinking of you always?
When you spoke about your sorrows today
When you said you couldn't sleep last night
I wanted to tell you that
I really like you alot
But i fear it was something you shouldn't know
If there was a day
my dreams were to come true
Memories will stay intact in me
But will you ever remember those days
But dreams remain as dreams
Probably I should return to where I belonged
was looking at my old blog.
and found this in a 2004 entry.
hmmm.... gosh.
i couldn't believe i wrote such things.
strangely; it just fits whatever I had in my mind.
*in this world; the strangest feeling one can ever feel is: LOVE*
10:49 PM
just for laughs
with the intensity of boredom
i hereby present to you;
it took me some time to figure out what was it all about though.
vulgar little kid.
the zoo need some guards as well. in case the JI guy goes to the zoo.
on the road style.
so far; it's my favourite. FULL OF ACTION!
the crude way.
Watch funny commercials HERE...
12:25 AM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
leap year
woke super early today
went to meet matthew for breakfast
he said: because of leap year, people does strange things.
yeah... like me. = =
ate breakfast, sat down and talked.
firstly talked about dotbox.
then we moved to his problem.
lastly to my problem.
it's a pity he will be leaving us.
but i am respecting his decision (cz, pls don't kill me).
selfishness is inborn into everyone
we may share commons now
vision, interests, goals, feelings etc
but as time goes, people change
change into the environment or just changed
and at this point, we may stop have commons
it's true he may be selfish
but if you are selfish too,
he will never be happy.
and you will never be happy.
therefore i wish him happy.
(yesh cz, you can kill me more.)
*desire is a huge sin*
*yet it is something that everyone is fighting for*
5:13 PM