Tuesday, July 29, 2008
confessions of a broken heart
*NOTE: whatever i am stating here now, it's my personal comments and personal feelings.
i don't need to be understood if you don't understand...*
Confessions of a broken heart
By Lindsay Lohan
I wait for the postman to bring me a letter.
And I wait for the good Lord to make me feel better.
And I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Family in crisis that only grows older.
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father, daughter to father!
I am broken, but I am hoping.
Daughter to father, daughter to father!
I am crying, a part of me's dying.
And these are, these are,
the confessions of a broken heart!
And I wear all your old clothes you polo sweater.
I dream of another you, one who would never.
Never, leave me alone to pick up the pieces.
Daddy to hold me, that's what I needed.
So,why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to go?
Daughter to father, daughter to father!
I don't know you, but I still want to.
Daughter to father, daughter to father!
Tell me the truth, did you ever love me?
Cause these are, these are,the confessions....!!!
of a broken heart!Of a broken heart!
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I ... I ... I ...I love you!
Daughter to father, daughter to father!
I don't know you, but I still want to.
Daughter to father, daughter to father!
Tell me the truth, did you ever love me?
Did you ever love me?
These are the confessions of a broken heart!
Ohh ... yeah
And I wait for the postman to bring me a letter.
to me, this is a dark song.
and a personal favourite.
because in many ways, i can relate myself to it.
to lyrics i mean.
not talking about the father part.
but yeah... the basic outline of it.
why did i suddenly dig this song out?
because i realised i have been asked about my past recently.
quite often.
and yes, it's true i don't speak much.
i speak only when i feel like to.
and when i speak, i meant it to be shared.
not to be commented on.
i realised i have been misunderstood quite often.
not particularly currently but when i was younger.
i know some, find my character very fake.
i don't disagree with this fact.
i'm not someone whom shows much expression on my face.
whether i like it or not, everything is kept to myself.
to people, they think that sometimes being straightforward to everyone is the best.
to me, i feel that it is my privacy.
it is not neccessary for me to comment on some things or to speak my mind out.
i think it's because of the environment i grow up in.
what i viewed of my own life is "at least i manage to survive it, so it doesn't matter to me much how harsh some people think of it."
firstly, let me put it straight across.
it is never a sympathy session.
i've mentioned. if you ask, i will say.
but i don't need sympathy.
because i think, i may be leading a better life than you do now (not out of arrogance)
but because it was what happened that carves the current me.
i know perfectly what i want, who i am now.
and hence, i don't need people to change my current principles when there isn't a need.
i am simple.
i don't need people to tell me "you should open up on this and that". (other than work-related)
when i say no, i mean no.
i don't need to state a reason to it.
but that doesn't mean i don't have a reason to it.
i just hate saying it.
and i hate being reminded of the past.
as said, it is the PAST.
it doesn't have to be mentioned again.
or be constantly repeated to me.
i know my past very well.
much better than you,
so thank you.
i don't need your reminder.
and so yup.
i don't think i am anyhow fake.
just because i don't talk about myself.
i don't need a biography to be published on me.
and i think some things if i want it to be kept private,
please RESPECT my decision.
thank you.
4:14 PM
this blog is rotting soon.
pai sey people.
super busy with work.
and stuff.
still haven't download the photo from ai ke.
so no uploads.
guess wat?
an eye candy back in poly days IMed me.
surprise surprise
2:19 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
loads of happenings this week.
sorry for the super lack of updates.
busy with work and fun!
worked from home a bit.
went down to office around 3pm.
met jason tan.
he is enlisted for army coming this week.
so must spend good time with friends.
happens that he takes final theory at the driving centre oppo my office.
so met him there.
had lunch together.
super loads of catching up.
phew! i miss the people loads.
so anyway, after meeting him, rot a bit in the office with cz.
then dearie called.
as mentioned in previous post, he was sick.
so bo bian, followed him for tour so that can look after him and help out too.
and guessed where we went to...
-ding ding-
oh my gosh.
how much coincidence can there be.
but too bad didn't get to see her.
so anyway, that day's tour group was the peeps from navy.
3 bus load of people.
many many guys.
eye-candy session.
so during the trip, got to know quite a number of them too.
they are super noisy somemore.
some times during the tour, can suddenly hear my name.
= =
pretty irritating.
but ok lah.
don't take it to heart, treat the comments lightly, it can be pretty fun.
and this is my 1st time helping out in their tours
even though i co-organised before a few with them.
different experience.
and had much fun.
most importantly, i was able to look after him and helped them out.
got home around 2+am.
super shag.
especially next day have camp.
woke up at 10.30am.
packed my bag.
then left house.
took bus to tampines then to aloha changi.
realised that i reached earlier than all of them
even though i am suppose to be late.
waited for an hour plus.
lucky he called me and pei me talk.
otherwise i think i would have been roasted on that hot day.
finally the children arrived.
and i see.... AI KE!!!
so long no see him since 30 dec 2006.
19 children can be quite a bundle.
did loads of things.
ai ke and i are the team leaders.
so in total, there are 21 children.
yeah, including ai ke and me (we are big children!!!)
so so so
we played puzzles, soccer, dance game, coloring and many more.
dinner was noodles.
brought them out for night walk too.
darling came over to join us around 8+pm.
just nice for night walk.
the kids disturbed the people fishing somemore.
after the night walk, supper time.
kids ate sausage.
then the kids bathed and sleep.
tiring day.
ai ke and darling started playing some guess music thingy
while me on the phone.
went to sleep around 2am after that yu le bai fen bai
with darling winning the competition.
soon after around 4am, was waken up by one of the boys.
so ma fan.
in the end, we didn't get to sleep much after that.
i even managed to give dearie morning call some more at 5am!
"woke up" around 8am.
got the kids to change and brush teeth and pack their bags.
then went to wash up.
had breakfast.
then went for morning walk.
me have a cute little son, chee wee.
he promised to buy me a pink PSP.
then came back, played more games, have lunch and more games.
finally the kids went off around 12pm.
had the whole chalet to ourselves till sun.
thanks ai ke, kelly and mrs chua.
had loads of fun.
so, me invited some friends over.
strictly private and sudden too.
then went home to bathe and collect some things.
met darling at 5.30pm took bus back to tampines.
did shopping at ntuc.
met dearie, sparky and shany.
then we over to aloha changi.
tiffy reached.
then we started cooking.
cz reached.
finally finish cooking, set table,
yahui and huiling reached.
huiling still bluffed me say she not coming!!!
finally managed to get sparky see huiling.
evil us.
yahui didn't stay over.
and poor him still sick since wed.
so didn't have dinner.
after dinner we started rotting in the chalet.
then sparky brought out all the booze
and we started playing big 2.
me not so good in big 2.
drank a few cups.
it's all good.
not as hiong as i played with jona and jl.
recieved first bday greeting from ai ke.
(yeah, he sat beside me at 12am and he didn't even wish me!!!!)
(LOL. ok. i was kidding on this part.)
then followed by angie, devi, hanisah, lynn
after the big 2 game which left sparky a bit tipsy,
we went out for a night walk.
night breeze is good to keep someone awake.
went back around 2am?
huiling, darling and cz have not slept yet.
then watch a bit of tv, went to bathe.
slept around 4am.
woke up at 8.30am.
then sparky went over to the girls room to disturb them with eerie music.
cz was already awake playing dota.
so we had breakfast, slacked around till check out.
walked out to changi village for more breakfast.
after that all of us took bus back home.
went back home, put down things.
then went for lunch with dearie.
i am a pig. eat alot.
major slacking until 5.30pm.
went home.
waited for papa to come home.
brought me out for dinner.
dinner was at botak jones in toa payoh.
yum yum.
papa and gor gor had fish and chips.
me had cajun chicken.
then i ate 3 chicken wings somemore.
gor gor had cajun sausage.
then we shared one plate pineapple rice.
alot alot of things.
then went home cut cake.
i had 3 cakes!
one mango cake from him.
one chocolate rum cake from tiffy.
one chocolate cake from papa.
so many.
yum yum.
so in the end we cut tiffy's cake.
snoopy ate too!
super loads of thanks whom remembered my bday and sent me a greeting.
firstly, thanks to those whom came down last minute for the chalet.
dearie whom was sick but still came down.
darling whom helped up with the kids and the chores and your cooked mee sua.
tiffy for her lovely baked chocolate cake.
cz for his pre-celebration and coming down.
huiling whom complained heavy bags but still came down to surprise me (and sparky)
yahui whom came down all the way from home.
sparky and shany whom came down with loads of things and booze!
ai ke for his present and the chalet.
angie and marilyn for the lovely messages. =) rmbr our 21 yrs old date!!!
eugene for the surprise.
jeeyon for his bday message.
eric (huang) for remembering.
zhao's message came later then i expected but you still remembered. =)
eric for his belated msg
rayson for his belated msg
jason tan's almost forget message but still came in time.
if i forgot anyone, i'm really sorry.
i have very blur nowadays.
but still... thank you everyone.
last but not least...
6:14 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
emo emo
i don't know what is wrong with me recently.
i just feel emotionally drained.
not because of relationship problem or what.
i also don't know what is happening to me.
probably i am trapped in the state of trying to discover myself again.
was feeling pretty down today.
and i get easily irritated by small things.
wanted to find people to talk to but haiz...
my uncle agony is in his nus camp.
my dearie is sick at home.
so moody.
so sian.
i want to dedicate this song to someone...
By 萬芳
心若倦了 淚也乾了 這份深情 難捨難了
曾經擁有 天荒地老 已不見你 暮暮與朝朝
這一份情 永遠難了 願來生還能 再度擁抱
愛一個人 如何廝守到老 怎樣面對一切 我不知道
*回憶過去 痛苦的相思忘不了 為何你還來 撥動我心跳
愛你怎麼能了 今夜的你應該明瞭 緣難了 情難了
i realized some scars, once it's left there...
it can never be erased away forever.
hmmm... yes, it's true.
probably we are in different scenarios
hence i can never understand why that was hurtful.
but still i was and am truly sorry.
everytime this year...
it is my most dreadful moment.
i hate my birthday.
don't ask me why, but i don't like to celebrate my birthday.
some how i find that birthdays are very fake...
just a feeling...
but ever since i know someone, he has always made birthday a surprise.
and it is always a love-hate relationship with him.
at times he is really a very nice friend.
thanks bro...
and i found a dark secret about someone.
again... it revolves around this word...
utterly disappointed again.
in this word, aren't any decent guys out there???
emo emo emo.
i don't know what is wrong with me recently.
i just feel emotionally drained.
not because of relationship problem or what.
i also don't know what is happening to me.
probably i am trapped in the state of trying to discover myself again.
was feeling pretty down today.
and i get easily irritated by small things.
wanted to find people to talk to but haiz...
my uncle agony is in his nus camp.
my dearie is sick at home.
so moody.
so sian.
i want to dedicate this song to someone...
By 萬芳
心若倦了 淚也乾了 這份深情 難捨難了
曾經擁有 天荒地老 已不見你 暮暮與朝朝
這一份情 永遠難了 願來生還能 再度擁抱
愛一個人 如何廝守到老 怎樣面對一切 我不知道
*回憶過去 痛苦的相思忘不了 為何你還來 撥動我心跳
愛你怎麼能了 今夜的你應該明瞭 緣難了 情難了
i realized some scars, once it's left there...
it can never be erased away forever.
hmmm... yes, it's true.
probably we are in different scenarios
hence i can never understand why that was hurtful.
but still i was and am truly sorry.
everytime this year...
it is my most dreadful moment.
i hate my birthday.
don't ask me why, but i don't like to celebrate my birthday.
some how i find that birthdays are very fake...
just a feeling...
but ever since i know someone, he has always made birthday a surprise.
and it is always a love-hate relationship with him.
at times he is really a very nice friend.
thanks bro...
and i found a dark secret about someone.
again... it revolves around this word...
utterly disappointed again.
in this word, aren't any decent guys out there???
emo emo emo.
11:57 PM
after a long wait people...
let me introduce to you...
my current crush...
let me introduce to you...
my current crush...

extreme cutie.
anyway, just finish watching Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
i think it is a nice korean movie.
3:05 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
By Jay Chou
愛像一陣風 吹完它就走 這樣的節奏 誰都無可奈何
沒有妳以後 我靈魂失控 黑雲在降落 我被它拖著走
靜靜悄悄默默離開陷入了危險邊緣 Baby~
愛情來的太快就像龍捲風 離不開暴風圈 來不及逃
我不能再想 我不能再想我不 我不 我不能
就像龍捲風 不能承受 我已無處可躲
我不要再想 我不要再想我不 我不 我不要再想你
不知不覺 你已經離開我 不知不覺 我跟了這節奏
後知後覺 又過了一個秋 後知後覺 我該好好生活
lol. this is a song back from sec sch days.
specially dedicated to two people.
my gf angie and bestie cz.
don't you think this song brings back loads of memories?
spent my day at home packing up my room.
loads to throw.
loads to pack.
i am only like 1/4 done in my room.
but i sure did throw alot of things.
rest... is major rotting.
1:24 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
yst night saw angie at bus int.
suddenly i realised how much i miss her...
and i missed alot of friends too.
afternoon down to shaw to find jian rui.
surprisingly today he is alone.
so we talked abt the event and a bit on life.
after meeting jr, went to take 111.
brings back super loads of memories.
i miss tanglin campus alot alot.
cause there is sort of my emotional playground.
my sweat, my tears, my hurts, my sorrows
and definitely my happiness.
all there.
but anyway, i took wrong direction.
so landed up in ghim moh.
then took 111 again to suntec.
went over to marina square to find him.
he was waiting for tear down.
so we walked around at ms for awhile.
then meeting dad at toa payoh.
so nice of him to send me to toa payoh.
hehe. thankies loads.
woke up rather late.
received eugene's msg.
was about to have lunch but in the end
went out to meet him for awhile.
seriously i thought i was a fast shopper.
now i know he is an even faster shopper.
within 15 minutes, we got 2 shirts for his camp and a $5 gift.
it's bubble tea again for me.
for i think i am pretty sick of it now.
then went to get ingredients for aunt.
came home chatted a bit with jeeyon.
not a good news.
and is rather bad.
but still, jia you!
probably it may be hard but you are his strength now.
loads of encouragement will keep him happy.
it may probably not cure him but at least he can have a peace of mind.
but still may his last moments and memories be happy, free from suffering.
reminds me of this special friend i have.
i really admire his courage and strength
and how he went through ordeals like that...
you know...
life is always an accident.
don't you think so?
there are many things that happened unexpectedly.
and there were many things that were supposed to happen earlier
but it didn't.
and probably there were also things that started out, out of rashness.
but nevertheless, destiny has it's way.
some times in life, there were many many opportunities for two paths to cross
but it didn't.
it only happened at a certain moment.
and you will always think why didn't our paths cross earlier?
probably we could have done so much more things together...
or probably even, my life wouldn't be like this now.
or it's too late...
life, it's not so much about past and future.
but at the moment.
yes, you can plan for your future.
but will it take place?
no, it won't if you don't do something now.
life is not about regrets.
but making the best out of it.
accidents can be beautiful too.
it's how you view it and make it.
yst night chatted with angie quite a bit.
a bit about life and currents.
talked a bit about the upcoming wedding as well.
she seems pretty surprised at how my views have changed.
for someone as stubborn as me and strong headed,
she knows best, that certain things
i have never considered about it seriously.
but still i think she gives good advices.
thanks buddy.
you're treasured.
and i really really miss you loads.
yst night saw angie at bus int.
suddenly i realised how much i miss her...
and i missed alot of friends too.
afternoon down to shaw to find jian rui.
surprisingly today he is alone.
so we talked abt the event and a bit on life.
after meeting jr, went to take 111.
brings back super loads of memories.
i miss tanglin campus alot alot.
cause there is sort of my emotional playground.
my sweat, my tears, my hurts, my sorrows
and definitely my happiness.
all there.
but anyway, i took wrong direction.
so landed up in ghim moh.
then took 111 again to suntec.
went over to marina square to find him.
he was waiting for tear down.
so we walked around at ms for awhile.
then meeting dad at toa payoh.
so nice of him to send me to toa payoh.
hehe. thankies loads.
woke up rather late.
received eugene's msg.
was about to have lunch but in the end
went out to meet him for awhile.
seriously i thought i was a fast shopper.
now i know he is an even faster shopper.
within 15 minutes, we got 2 shirts for his camp and a $5 gift.
it's bubble tea again for me.
for i think i am pretty sick of it now.
then went to get ingredients for aunt.
came home chatted a bit with jeeyon.
not a good news.
and is rather bad.
but still, jia you!
probably it may be hard but you are his strength now.
loads of encouragement will keep him happy.
it may probably not cure him but at least he can have a peace of mind.
but still may his last moments and memories be happy, free from suffering.
reminds me of this special friend i have.
i really admire his courage and strength
and how he went through ordeals like that...
you know...
life is always an accident.
don't you think so?
there are many things that happened unexpectedly.
and there were many things that were supposed to happen earlier
but it didn't.
and probably there were also things that started out, out of rashness.
but nevertheless, destiny has it's way.
some times in life, there were many many opportunities for two paths to cross
but it didn't.
it only happened at a certain moment.
and you will always think why didn't our paths cross earlier?
probably we could have done so much more things together...
or probably even, my life wouldn't be like this now.
or it's too late...
life, it's not so much about past and future.
but at the moment.
yes, you can plan for your future.
but will it take place?
no, it won't if you don't do something now.
life is not about regrets.
but making the best out of it.
accidents can be beautiful too.
it's how you view it and make it.
yst night chatted with angie quite a bit.
a bit about life and currents.
talked a bit about the upcoming wedding as well.
she seems pretty surprised at how my views have changed.
for someone as stubborn as me and strong headed,
she knows best, that certain things
i have never considered about it seriously.
but still i think she gives good advices.
thanks buddy.
you're treasured.
and i really really miss you loads.
2:29 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
4E9 gathering.
loads of photo for this page.
met them at newton circus.
met him near my workplace then he sent me to newton circus.
yeah. we work nearby too!
met 4E9 at newton mrt.
the group has hanisah, devi, lynn, jona, cj, dennis, twk, jason, marilyn, syu, me.
syu and hanisah chop places at newton first.
walked over joined them when i reached.
i was the latest.
sat down and started ordering food.
then we started cam-whoring too...
4E9 gathering.
loads of photo for this page.
met them at newton circus.
met him near my workplace then he sent me to newton circus.
yeah. we work nearby too!
met 4E9 at newton mrt.
the group has hanisah, devi, lynn, jona, cj, dennis, twk, jason, marilyn, syu, me.
syu and hanisah chop places at newton first.
walked over joined them when i reached.
i was the latest.
sat down and started ordering food.
then we started cam-whoring too...

so... who is with who now???

i really miss this class loads.
<3 4e9!!!
12:35 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
- Germaine Greer -
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
if that is true, i hope to find someone that i can fall in love with many many times.
and it seems like it is not only me whom have caught the wedding bug.
huiling too!!
said she felt like getting married.
after she watched they kissed again.
me caught the bug from watching too much "we got married"
this week's episode shows them taking wedding photo!
Alex and Shin Ae:
Alex and Solbi
i want something like that too.
so sweet right?
me want cute cute wedding photos like alex and shin ae!
i think i should start thinking and planning
2:10 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008
went to marine parade today again.
did setup for sat.
met this shuai ge from adrian's side.
helped me do networking.
after configuring, played a round of dota left for plaza sing.
meeting w36k there for dinner.
i was freaking late.
for around 40 mins+
talked cock with them.
so nice to see them again.
and it's nice to see the guys in black specs.
after dinner with them at carl's junior,
met him at plaza sing.
poor boy, have to come all the way from home.
he ended work early so he went home first.
we shopped in plaza sing awhile then went to take bus.
stayed at the playground to chat awhile.
went to marine parade for event.
met wei loon.
so nice to see him again.
and he is really damn tall.
ended quite late.
went home.
woke up late.
had lunch at home then went out.
went over to b.panjang to find him.
then took bus to haw par villa.
my 2nd time at haw par villa.
and since he always say haw par villa is 1 of his playground
made him bring me around.
ended up me narrated stories to him.
but ten courts of hell is really his playground.
then we went over to vivocity for shopping!
then go home after that.
went to marine parade today again.
did setup for sat.
met this shuai ge from adrian's side.
helped me do networking.
after configuring, played a round of dota left for plaza sing.
meeting w36k there for dinner.
i was freaking late.
for around 40 mins+
talked cock with them.
so nice to see them again.
and it's nice to see the guys in black specs.
after dinner with them at carl's junior,
met him at plaza sing.
poor boy, have to come all the way from home.
he ended work early so he went home first.
we shopped in plaza sing awhile then went to take bus.
stayed at the playground to chat awhile.
went to marine parade for event.
met wei loon.
so nice to see him again.
and he is really damn tall.
ended quite late.
went home.
woke up late.
had lunch at home then went out.
went over to b.panjang to find him.
then took bus to haw par villa.
my 2nd time at haw par villa.
and since he always say haw par villa is 1 of his playground
made him bring me around.
ended up me narrated stories to him.
but ten courts of hell is really his playground.
then we went over to vivocity for shopping!
then go home after that.
12:45 AM
Friday, July 4, 2008
My Immortal
By Evanescence
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me
You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along
firstly i would like to thank uday and daniel for the wonderful article.
it was so impactful that all the memories in my past just gushes back into reality.
it really hit me hard.
"Her constant smiles and expressions of happiness hardly do reflect an individual who has and is going through insurmountable hardship, physically and emotionally. Her solace from sadness is the very entity that many of us look at with the opposing view.
i never knew that.
i pondered a bit in the whole afternoon.
i thought i should let him read about it first.
afterall, it will be published.
he was shocked.
but later then, he took it quite well.
at some point of time in life;
sometimes you may land yourself in events so bad,
you are willing to give everything up
just to get things right again..
after thinking...
i tink i have made the right choice.
the words he said...
it is the exact same 1st impression i had for him.
thanks loads.
for everything.
i have confidence in you...
By Evanescence
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me
You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along
firstly i would like to thank uday and daniel for the wonderful article.
it was so impactful that all the memories in my past just gushes back into reality.
it really hit me hard.
"Her constant smiles and expressions of happiness hardly do reflect an individual who has and is going through insurmountable hardship, physically and emotionally. Her solace from sadness is the very entity that many of us look at with the opposing view.
i never knew that.
i pondered a bit in the whole afternoon.
i thought i should let him read about it first.
afterall, it will be published.
he was shocked.
but later then, he took it quite well.
at some point of time in life;
sometimes you may land yourself in events so bad,
you are willing to give everything up
just to get things right again..
after thinking...
i tink i have made the right choice.
the words he said...
it is the exact same 1st impression i had for him.
thanks loads.
for everything.
i have confidence in you...
2:26 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
happening day.
woke up early today.
started work.
ran toilet.
had complaints from eugene.
finished work.
went to meet eugene for lunch.
chicken rice.
and red tea ice blended.
then we settled down somewhere near my block to talk.
talked super loads.
talked until around 5.30pm then went to mrt.
took the train to city hall.
met cz at raffles city.
then waited for him to finish work at clarke quay.
he came over to join us for dinner.
had dinner at bugis.
then walked over to nafa to take bus.
happening day.
woke up early today.
started work.
ran toilet.
had complaints from eugene.
finished work.
went to meet eugene for lunch.
chicken rice.
and red tea ice blended.
then we settled down somewhere near my block to talk.
talked super loads.
talked until around 5.30pm then went to mrt.
took the train to city hall.
met cz at raffles city.
then waited for him to finish work at clarke quay.
he came over to join us for dinner.
had dinner at bugis.
then walked over to nafa to take bus.
1:03 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Only Hope
By Mandy Moore
There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.
So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.
I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
do you know each song that you listen
it can be related to someone, or a situation?
though this song has got nothing related to him.
but it does reminds me of him...
if you ever reading this...
somethings, probably we are the only ones whom will understand.
nevertheless, i couldn't care less.
because i am comfortable in the way i am.
so be comfortable too.
you are a treasured friend.
By Mandy Moore
There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.
So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.
I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
do you know each song that you listen
it can be related to someone, or a situation?
though this song has got nothing related to him.
but it does reminds me of him...
if you ever reading this...
somethings, probably we are the only ones whom will understand.
nevertheless, i couldn't care less.
because i am comfortable in the way i am.
so be comfortable too.
you are a treasured friend.
1:30 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
la la la la.
woke up early today.
got morning call from him.
went back to sleep for another 30mins
then woke up.
then call cz, cz haven't wake up at all.
so went online to do a bit of work.
then met cz went to office.
did a bit of work.
went to chung cheng high (main) for meeting.
my cousin's sch.
then after meeting went to old airport road for dinner.
met erwin chua.
then talked to him awhile.
he is becoming more and more hot.
then after dinner went to kallang leisure park.
walked there.
damn far.
there damn lots of things.
so cool.
i wanna go back there again.
cabbed home.
my throat is so sore now.
woke up early today.
got morning call from him.
went back to sleep for another 30mins
then woke up.
then call cz, cz haven't wake up at all.
so went online to do a bit of work.
then met cz went to office.
did a bit of work.
went to chung cheng high (main) for meeting.
my cousin's sch.
then after meeting went to old airport road for dinner.
met erwin chua.
then talked to him awhile.
he is becoming more and more hot.
then after dinner went to kallang leisure park.
walked there.
damn far.
there damn lots of things.
so cool.
i wanna go back there again.
cabbed home.
my throat is so sore now.
12:38 AM