Friday, October 17, 2008
Do you dare to drink DHMO?
you must be thinking why am i so bo liao to go research on DHMO.
i didn't.
i was facilitating in a training program with SCGS where we came across this site.
and i thought it's stupid.
and funny.
especially fellow science students, you will love to amuse yourself with this site.
"The controversy surrounding dihydrogen monoxide has never been more widely debated, and the goal of this site is to provide an unbiased data clearinghouse and a forum for public discussion."
unbiased... LOL.
we shall see.
before i go on further, let me introduce to you what is dihydrogen monoxide.
it is also commonly known as H2O aka water.
chemistry students, should know why.
DHMO contributes to global warming and the "Greenhouse Effect", and is one of the so-called "greenhouse gasses."
dots. water vapour is definitely a greenhouse gas.
DHMO is an "enabling component" of acid rain -- in the absence of sufficient quantities of DHMO, acid rain is not a problem.
of course... without H2O where will there be rain?
DHMO is a causative agent in most instances of soil erosion -- sufficiently high levels of DHMO exacerbate the negative effects of soil erosion.
if it wasn't for rain that causes the soil to loosen, where will there be soil erosion?
DHMO is present in high levels nearly every creek, stream, pond, river, lake and reservoir in the U.S. and around the world.
come on... it's water. water are found in those places!!!
Measurable levels of DHMO have been verified in ice samples taken from both the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps.
water freeze = ice. definitely Arctic and Antarctic ice caps have H2O
Recent massive DHMO exposures have lead to the loss of life and destruction of property in California, the Mid-West, the Philippines, and a number of islands in the Caribbean, to name just a few.
with mother nature's flood, tsunami do you think life will be sarcrifice. fei hua!
Research has shown that significant levels of DHMO were found in the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 which killed 230,000 in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and elsewhere, making it the deadliest tsunami in recorded history.
no water, where will have tsunami?
and then after nonsense accusation,
they called for the
while they are still debating,
i am now enjoying my cup of DHMO.
2:55 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
i'm not weird... it's just me
after knowing him for 10 years...
finally my buddy went to army yst.
take care my friend.
you know... have you ever felt like this before?
would you try to accept someone for whom they are
would you try to change someone to whom you like?
have you ever felt like this before?
some, tried to understand you.
but no matter how hard they try, they still won't understand you.
whereas some, you don't even have to speak,
they can understand you very well.
not because we are similiar in many ways.
we were all along different.
we don't think similiarly
but we can empathize each other.
like what i always said,
i don't need plenty of love.
i only need appreciation and understanding.
you don't have to understand me much,
but appreciate me for whom i am.
not someone whom you want me to be.
because i can tell you
for, i won't be and never will be the one you wish for me to be.
probably i'm seen as selfish.
but this is my only chance to be selfish.
it is my only chance to prove to people my existence in this world.
it is my only chance to show everyone my mum's decision wasn't wrong.
they say life is full of choices
but life isn't
i didn't choose to be where i am now.
i was forced into situations i shouldn't be in.
and now, finally i can have a chance to lead my life the way i want
nothing can stop me from reaching what i want.
a little too ambitious?
no, i'm not.
i'm just leading my life the way i want it.
not the way how destiny wants it.
not the way how anyone wants it.
and because she knew i was caged
she had hoped i could lead it the way i want.
and not how they wanted.
now that she is gone,
this is my freedom.
and i'm always thankful...
to have you.
3:34 PM